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Fixed broken flyway download and install #4

Fixed broken flyway download and install

Fixed broken flyway download and install #4

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: GitHub-Flyway-AutoPilot-Pipeline-Linux
- main
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# Enable this for additional debug logging
### Step 1: Define Environment Secrets ###
### Environment Secrets - Create Environment Secrets ###
### Navigate to Settings > Secrets & Variables > Actions
# FLYWAY_EMAIL: Enter the email address linked to the Redgate Account that created the PAT
# FLYWAY_TOKEN: Enter the PAT Value (This should be treated like a password and thus as a secure variable.
# TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME: Leave blank if using integratedSecurity (default).
# TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD: Leave blank if using integratedSecurity (default).
# CUSTOM_PARAMS: Optional - Used for passing custom Flyway Parameters to each Flyway command
### End of Environment Variables ###
# Step 3: Authenticate Flyway with Personal Access Tokens (PATs)
# Details on how to do this can be found here:
# Documentation on all available Authentication methods can be found here:
FLYWAY_EMAIL: "${{ secrets.FLYWAY_EMAIL }}" # Enter the email address linked to the Redgate Account that created the PAT
FLYWAY_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.FLYWAY_TOKEN }}" # Enter the PAT Value (This should be treated like a password and thus as a secure variable.
BASELINE_VERSION: "001" # This should match the version number of your baseline script
FIRST_UNDO_SCRIPT: "002" # This should match the first undo version in your project
# Optional - Validate Flyway CLI installation for ephemeral agents
FLYWAY_CLI_INSTALL_CHECK: "${{ secrets.FLYWAY_CLI_INSTALL_CHECK }}" # Setting to false will skip the Flyway CLI check step
FLYWAY_VERSION: "Latest" # This outlines the version of Flyway CLI that will be downloaded if no Flyway CLI is detected on the target agent (Examples - '11.0.0' for specific version. Or 'Latest' for latest version)
FLYWAY_INSTALL_DIRECTORY: "" # The path on the agent machine where Flyway CLI will be installed
# Optional: Side Quest #1 - Setup Flyway Pipeline Integration - For More Details
FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT: "true" # Set this value to true to enable Flyway Pipelines and track your releases centrally!
FLYWAY_DRIFT_ON_MIGRATE: "true" # Set this value to true to enable Flyway Pipelines drift detection and track your drift centrally!
### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE - All variables set in the above section will be consumed by the jobs below and therefore do not require any updates to function ###
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
name: Deploy Build
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: "self-hosted" # Options - self-hosted/ubuntu-latest/windows-latest (See here for more details on GitHub hosted runners -
environment: 'build'
stage: 'Build'
displayName: 'Build'
DATABASE_NAME: 'AutoPilotBuild'
ENVIRONMENT: 'Build' # This variable refers to the environment name present in the Flyway Projects TOML file.
CUSTOM_PARAMS: "${{ secrets.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}" # Secure method of adding custom Flyway Parameters (Example -X for debug)
EXECUTE_BUILD: 'true' # Turn to false to skip the build stage tasks
publishArtifacts: 'true' # Turn to false to skip the artifact upload
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Optional - If Enabled, Flyway CLI will be validated and installed if not present
- name: Flyway - CLI Automatic Validation and Install
run: bash ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/Scripts/
if: env.FLYWAY_CLI_INSTALL_CHECK == 'true'
# Step 1 - Flyway License Authentication #
- name: Flyway Authentication
if: ${{ env.EXECUTE_BUILD == 'true' && success() }}
run: |
flyway auth -IAgreeToTheEula -email="${{ env.FLYWAY_EMAIL }}" -token="${{ env.FLYWAY_TOKEN }}"
# Step 2 - Ensure the Build Database is cleaned of all objects, meaning the build starts from scratch
- name: Clean Build DB
if: ${{ env.EXECUTE_BUILD == 'true' && success() }}
run: |
flyway info clean info -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" -password="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" -cleanDisabled='false' ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}
# Step 3 - Migrate all scripts from the migration folder, to verify they can be deployed against an empty database. This is the quickest way to get feedback about problematic scripts
- name: Migrate Build DB
if: ${{ env.EXECUTE_BUILD == 'true' && success() }}
run: |
flyway info migrate info -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" -password="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" -cleanDisabled='false' -baselineOnMigrate="true" "-publishResult=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-flywayServicePublish.publishReport=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-reportEnabled=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}
# Step 4 (Optional) - Undo all relevant migrations using corresponding rollback script, to validate they can be run. This helps to reduce the chance the script will fail during a real life rollback scenario
- name: undo Build DB
if: ${{ env.EXECUTE_BUILD == 'true' && success() }}
run: |
flyway info undo info -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user=${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }} -password=${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }} -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" -baselineOnMigrate="true" -cleanDisabled='false' -target="${{ env.FIRST_UNDO_SCRIPT }}" ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}
# GitHub - After migration scripts are validated, publish them as an artifact
- name: Publish Validated Migration Scripts as Artifact
if: ${{ env.publishArtifacts == 'true' && success() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: flyway-build-artifact-${{ github.run_number }}
path: |
!${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway-*/**/*
!${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/.git/**/*
!${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/.git*/**/*
${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/**/schema-model/**/*
${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/**/migrations/**/*
${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/**/Scripts/**/*
${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/**/backups/**/*
${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/**/flyway.toml
${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/**/Filter.scpf
name: Deploy Test
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: "self-hosted" # Options - self-hosted/ubuntu-latest/windows-latest (See here for more details on GitHub hosted runners -
environment: 'test' # This refers to GitHub's Environment name
if: ${{ true }} #Set this variable to false to temporarily disable the job
needs: build
stage: 'Test'
DATABASE_NAME: "AutoPilotTest"
ENVIRONMENT: "Test" # Refers to the environment in the Flyway Project TOML file.
REPORT_DATABASE_USERNAME: "${{ secrets.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" # Optional - Change to a different secret if the connection details for the report database differs from the target
REPORT_DATABASE_PASSWORD: "${{ secrets.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" # Optional - Change to a different secret if the connection details for the report database differs from the target
CUSTOM_PARAMS: "${{ secrets.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}" # Secure method of adding custom Flyway Parameters (Example -X for debug)
generateReport: 'true' # Turn to false to skip the CHECK report stage tasks
FLYWAY_CHECK_DRIFT_ON_MIGRATE: 'true' # Turn to false to skip the Drift Report upload to Flyway Pipelines (If enabled)
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: flyway-build-artifact-${{ github.run_number }}
# Optional - List out all build artifact files on disk, helpful for debugging
- name: Display structure of downloaded files
run: ls -R
# Optional - If Enabled, Flyway CLI will be validated and installed if not present
- name: Flyway - CLI Automatic Validation and Install
run: bash ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/Scripts/
if: env.FLYWAY_CLI_INSTALL_CHECK == 'true'
# Step 1 - Flyway License Authentication #
- name: Flyway Authentication
if: success()
run: |
flyway auth -IAgreeToTheEula -email="${{ env.FLYWAY_EMAIL }}" -token="${{ env.FLYWAY_TOKEN }}"
# Step 2 - Create Check Report
- name: Create Check Reports
if: ${{ env.generateReport == 'true' && success() }}
run: |
flyway check -dryrun -changes -drift -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user=${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }} -password=${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }} -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" "-check.buildEnvironment=${{ env.REPORT_ENVIRONMENT }}" "-environments.${{ env.REPORT_ENVIRONMENT }}.user=${{ env.REPORT_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" "-environments.${{ env.REPORT_ENVIRONMENT }}.password=${{ env.REPORT_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" "-reportFilename=${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/reports/${{ env.DATABASE_NAME }}-Run-${{ GITHUB.RUN_ID }}-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-Check-Report.html" "-publishResult=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-flywayServicePublish.publishReport=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-reportEnabled=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}
continue-on-error: true
# Step 3 - Publish Check Report
- name: Publish Check Report as Artifact
if: ${{ env.generateReport == 'true' && success() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: flyway-reports-test
path: ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/reports/**/*
# Step 4 - Deploy pending migrations to target database
- name: Migrate Test DB
if: success()
run: |
flyway info migrate info -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" -password="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" -baselineOnMigrate="true" -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" "-publishResult=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-flywayServicePublish.publishReport=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-reportEnabled=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}
name: Deploy Prod
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: "self-hosted" # Options - self-hosted/ubuntu-latest/windows-latest (See here for more details on GitHub hosted runners -
environment: 'prod'
if: ${{ true }} #Set this variable to false to temporarily disable the job
needs: test
stage: 'Prod'
DATABASE_NAME: "AutoPilotProd"
ENVIRONMENT: "Prod" # Refers to the environment name in the Flyway Project TOML file.
REPORT_DATABASE_USERNAME: "${{ secrets.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" # Optional - Change to a different secret if the connection details for the report database differs from the target
REPORT_DATABASE_PASSWORD: "${{ secrets.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" # Optional - Change to a different secret if the connection details for the report database differs from the target
CUSTOM_PARAMS: "${{ secrets.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}" # Secure method of adding custom Flyway Parameters (Example -X for debug)
generateReport: 'true' # Turn to false to skip the CHECK report stage tasks
FLYWAY_CHECK_DRIFT_ON_MIGRATE: 'true' # Turn to false to skip the Drift Report upload to Flyway Pipelines (If enabled)
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: flyway-build-artifact-${{ github.run_number }}
# Optional - List out all build artifact files on disk, helpful for debugging
- name: Display structure of downloaded files
run: ls -R
# Optional - If Enabled, Flyway CLI will be validated and installed if not present
- name: Flyway - CLI Automatic Validation and Install
run: bash ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/Scripts/
if: env.FLYWAY_CLI_INSTALL_CHECK == 'true'
# Step 1 - Flyway License Authentication #
- name: Flyway Authentication
if: success()
run: |
flyway auth -IAgreeToTheEula -email="${{ env.FLYWAY_EMAIL }}" -token="${{ env.FLYWAY_TOKEN }}"
# Step 2 - Create Check Report
- name: Create Check Reports
if: ${{ env.generateReport == 'true' && success() }}
run: |
flyway check -dryrun -changes -drift -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user=${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }} -password=${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }} -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" "-check.buildEnvironment=${{ env.REPORT_ENVIRONMENT }}" "-environments.${{ env.REPORT_ENVIRONMENT }}.user=${{ env.REPORT_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" "-environments.${{ env.REPORT_ENVIRONMENT }}.password=${{ env.REPORT_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" "-reportFilename=${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/reports/${{ env.DATABASE_NAME }}-Run-${{ GITHUB.RUN_ID }}-${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}-Check-Report.html" "-publishResult=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-flywayServicePublish.publishReport=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-reportEnabled=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}
continue-on-error: true
# Step 3 - Publish Check Report
- name: Publish Check Report as Artifact
if: ${{ env.generateReport == 'true' && success() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: flyway-reports-prod
path: ${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/reports/**/*
# Step 4 - Deploy pending migrations to target database
- name: Migrate Production DB
if: success()
run: |
flyway info migrate info -environment="${{ env.ENVIRONMENT }}" -user="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_USERNAME }}" -password="${{ env.TARGET_DATABASE_PASSWORD }}" -baselineOnMigrate="true" -configFiles="${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/flyway.toml" -locations="filesystem:${{ GITHUB.WORKSPACE }}/migrations" "-publishResult=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-flywayServicePublish.publishReport=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" "-reportEnabled=${{ env.FLYWAY_PUBLISH_RESULT }}" ${{ env.CUSTOM_PARAMS }}