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In this document the Vivado firmware for the 100G Ethernet and Partial Reconfiguration is describe together with the different modes of operation and testing.

This is the work for the port of the 100G Ethernet to the VCU118+VCU1525 board.

The Vivado version being used is Vivado 2019.2.1_AR72614

Building the Vivado Project

To run the code clone it first to a directory

git clone

cd kutleng_skarab2_bsp_firmware/casperbsp/projects/vivado

mkdir project_flow

cd project_flow


Replace {vcu118|vcu1525} with whichever platform you intend to build for e.g. for vcu118 use vcu118.

On vivado prompt source the project file for the vcu118 or the vcu1525

source ../{vcu118|vcu1525}/ethmac{vcu118|vcu1525}pr.tcl

You need to launch vivado when you are on the ${kutleng_skarab2_bsp_firmware/casperbsp/projects/project_flow} folder

This will create a vivado project on a folder ${kutleng_skarab2_bsp_firmware/casperbsp/projects/project_flow/{vcu118|vcu1525}project/{vcu118|vcu1525}projectpr.xpr}

The design assumes a network at for port 1 and port 2 of the QFSP28+ ports

After the design is finished building it is necessary to launch Vitis and export the design to Vitis.

Version Description Document

The know working version of the build with the corresponding git hash are updated on the list as follows:

The Firmware Repository is:

The Software Repository is:

Firmware Version Software Version Date Revision log
5f5712025d37814a3bdd7f34865f85a70fd92355 af971507164f51cb484c50caff1c0ca9d5b2399f 12/03/2020 Initial Release Build
1c0bf0662bd48062868d314891425078cc116662 97fc01d8bad27c04a434e7ab72159103a98bde3f 20/03/2020 Added HTML Doxygen Documentation
228339bcb88fd459f06655977baedb34692d9987 7be16ccf864662586db49b18158ef5bd76c5cadc 30/03/2020 Fixed Issues with CPU TX and RX Interface

The latest version is the version in bold as the per the hash and the date.

Design Export to Vitis

To export the design,in Vivado select File->Export->Export Hardware

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Make sure to tick Include bitstream

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Select the path you need to export to:

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The design will be exported to the destination path folder.

Creating a new hardware plaform in Vitis

On Vitis Create a new hardware platform

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Select create from XSA

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Browse to the export folder where the design has been exported.

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Select the XSA file

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A new platform vcu118platform project will be created and ready to build

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On the test_harness project select the newly created platform

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Select yes when prompted.

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Build the testharness

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Select the tesh harness elf executable to start debug

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Create a debug profile to start the executable

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Double Click on Single Application Debug (GDB)

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This will create Debugger_testharness-GDB

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Select Debug and start running the application.

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The FPGA bitstream load will start till it finshes loading the FPGA code.

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The debugger will start at stop on init_platform()

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Run the code untill the function cleanup_platform()

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On Vivado Select the hw_vio_2

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The design will now run and be ready for tests.

Test setup

The standard test setup for the design needs the following equipment:

  • VCU118/VCU1525 - The FPGA board with 100G links

  • 100G Ethernet Switch - With a minimum of 3 ports

  • Workstation running Linux - With a 100G Netowrk Interface Card

  • Xilinx JTAG Cable - For initial configuration and ILA/VIO setup

  • 3 100G Cables - The cables must not be > 3m if they are copper else there will be errors

The test setup is shown on the figure below:

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Bandwidth test

To start the bandwidth test it is important to have the test setup as shown below:

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First make sure to ping both ports so that the switch can have the ARP tables populated.



After pinging the ports you should be able to observe the ARP packets on WireShark.

The standard test for bandwidth test requires data to be sent to port 2. Port 2 has the IP address

Every packet sent to port 2 will be echoed back to the sender IP.

Port one with IP address has a UDP packet sender that first receives packets from the Workstation, buffer the packets and then send them untill the ring buffers are filled in both the transmit and receive path.

First stop Wireshark before starting the bandwidth test.

To start the bandwidth test run the following commands to generate packets on the Workstation:

cd /kutleng_skarab2_control_software/casperbsp/ethernettests/bandwidth



After the packet are filled the Signal StripperClearEnable on the VIO can be switched on since the test has reached line rate.

The expected line rate is 98.6 Gbps on the FPGA ports both TX and RX.

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Partial reconfiguration test

The partial reconfiguration test requires the same setup as the bandwith test. The only difference is that patial reconfiguration data is programmed to the FPGA.

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To run the partial reconfig make sure that all bit streams have been produced.

Copy all the bitsreams to the /kutleng_skarab2_control_software/casperbsp/partialreconfigapp/bitfiles folder. Inside this folder there is VCU118 and VCU1525 copy the correct bitstreams.bin to the board you are using.

There is a Python script to load the partial reconfiguration bitstreams.

The script will:

  • first clear the RM module (all LEDs will be off)

  • wait for 5 seconds

  • load the blinker RM (4 leds will run like a Johnson counter)

  • wait for 5 seconds

  • clear the RM module (all LEDs will be off)

  • wait 5 seconds

  • load the flasher module (4 LEDs will all flash at the same time)

  • exit

Run the partial reconfiguration Python script as follows:

cd /kutleng_skarab2_control_software/casperbsp/partialreconfigapp/



This will begin the partial reconfiguration process.

Firmware Module Layout

The Firmware is made up of a top module called casper100gethernetblock.vhd

This module has two modules

  • udpipinterfacepr.vhd

  • mac100gphy.vhd

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This module has a generic (C_INCLUDE_ICAP) to enable/disable partial reconfiguration.

  • C_INCLUDE_ICAP := TRUE enables partial reconfiguration

  • C_INCLUDE_ICAP := FALSE disables partial reconfiguration

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The module uses DataRateBackOff signal for rate control to throttle data and prevent overflows.

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Yellow block interface

The interface to Yellowblock streaming data is done using the AXIS streaming interface on the casper100gethernetblock.vhd

The interface ports have both receive and transmit interface and follows the AXIS protocol.

The interface will leave all the addressing information on the first 512-bit word i.e the first 336 bits wil be discarded.

Addressing information must come from the udpdatapacker module.

Partial Reconfiguration Module

The partial reconfiguration module is documented on the link below.


The vivado firmware for the skarab2






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  • VHDL 81.2%
  • Tcl 17.1%
  • Stata 1.2%
  • Other 0.5%