These instructions are for installing code in a standalone environment. This library can be used in a puppet master setup, however the default path of the puppet installation would be /etc/puppetlabs/puppet. Documentation for running a separate puppet master server can be found here:
The code in this repository is modified from, updated to work with Django 1.7 and Postgres 9.1. uses Django for managing documentation, news, and blogs, similar to
First, install puppet. For Debian Wheezy, use the following steps:
wget dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-precise.deb apt-get update apt-get install puppet
Create environment variables from inside the working directory you want to clone into.
export FACTER_localuser=$USER export FACTER_localgroup=$USER export FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir=`pwd`/ export FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir=`pwd`/ export FACTER_openraveorg_sitedir="$FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/openrave_org"
Once puppet is installed, the following commands will clone this repo into your new puppet folder: /var/openrave/puppet.
git clone --branch django1.7 $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir
Running puppet apply, will apply the manifest in a standalone setup. Documentation found here:
sudo -E puppet apply --confdir $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Edit the openrave.org_secrets.json file in the deploy directoy, containing something like:
{ "secret_key": "xyz", "superfeedr_creds": ["", "some_string"] }
1. Go into the website directory and activate the virtual environment, then migrate with Django. This will set OPENRAVEORG_DEPLOYDIR environment variable.
source $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/setup.bash cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org; ./ makemigrations docs cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org; ./ migrate
2. Load fixtures
cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org; ./ loaddata doc_releases.json
- Load documents. Make sure to add openrave documentation html and json zip files (generated via to:
cp $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/docdata/
cp $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/docdata/
Then register the document version via
cd $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/openrave_org
export OPENRAVE_VERSION=latest_stable
export DOC_LANG=en
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openrave_org.settings python -c "from import models; models.DocumentRelease.objects.create(lang='$DOC_LANG',version='$OPENRAVE_VERSION', scm=models.DocumentRelease.GIT, scm_url='$OPENRAVE_VERSION', is_default=False);"
Then can update docs using::
./ update_docs
Re-index the documents:
./ update_index
Run django manually to test if all data is present:
./ runserver
Run puppet apply command to update permissions for documents. Note that uwsgi is set to run from /etc/rc.local
sudo -E puppet apply --confdir $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet $FACTER_openraveorg_gitdir/puppet/manifests/site.pp
sudo service nginx restart
Visit site at port :80
Facter Notes
facter -p #See if your evn vars are set
facter apply --test
facter apply --verbose --no-listen --no-daemonize --onetime --no-splay --test --pluginsync
"--noop" is a dry run:
sudo -E puppet apply --confdir $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/puppet $FACTER_openraveorg_deploydir/puppet/manifests/site.pp --test --debug --noop
Puppet help:
puppet config print all puppet config print modulepath --verbose --debug --trace
If you need to setup the database manually
sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE ROLE openrave PASSWORD 'testpass' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;"
createdb --host localhost --username openrave --encoding UTF-8 openrave_website
Mini script to convert latest_stable docdata to a specific version:
export OPENRAVE_VERSION=0.8.0 unzip mv openravejson-latest_stable openravejson-$OPENRAVE_VERSION zip -r openravejson-$ openravejson-$OPENRAVE_VERSION unzip mv openravehtml-latest_stable openravehtml-$OPENRAVE_VERSION zip -r openravehtml-$ openravehtml-$OPENRAVE_VERSION
Internationalization. For Japanese, edit locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/django.po file: makemessages --locale=ja_JP compilemessages --locale=ja_JP
For deployment checkout
When English templates are done, execute: makemessages --locale=ja_JP
Open locale/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/django.po and edit the translations. When done execute: compilemessages --locale=ja_JP
2.3.4. systemd Debian 7.0 introduces preliminary support for systemd, an init system with advanced monitoring, logging and service management capabilities. While it is designed as a drop-in sysvinit replacement and as such makes use of existing SysV init scripts, the systemd package can be installed safely alongside sysvinit and started via the init=/bin/systemd kernel option. To utilize the features provided by systemd, about 50 packages already provide native support, among them core packages like udev, dbus and rsyslog. systemd is shipped as a technology preview in Debian 7.0. For more information on this topic, see the Debian wiki.
/boot/grub/grub.cfg: add boot option with init=/bin/systemd
--- Using system similar to ---