This repository implements LOCATE, a method for retrieving local affine approximations between two images. Two main applications are aimed: Guided Matching and Homography estimation. The companion paper can be found here.
In order to quickly start using LOCATE we advise you to install anaconda and follow this guide.
conda create --name locate python=3.9.14
source activate locate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make && mv ..
If you want to remove this project from your computer just do:
conda deactivate
conda-env remove -n locate
rm -R /path/to/locate
Reproducing results from the companion paper
Recreate images from Figure 1, 4, 5 and 6:
mkdir -p temp
python py-tools/
python py-tools/
python py-tools/
Generate tables 1 and 2:
python py-tools/
Available matching methods (detectors and descriptors):
- HessAff + AID
- HessAff + Affnet + HardNet
- SIFT + Affnet + HardNet
- HessianLaplace + RootSIFT
Available geometric filters:
- USAC Homography
- USAC Fundamental
- ORSA Homography
- ORSA Fundamental
- RANSAC Baseline (for Homography)
- RANSAC_2pts (for Homography)
- RANSAC_affine (for Homography)
Let's take a look at some possible configurations for different methods.
import cv2
from libLocalDesc import *
img1 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('./acc-test/adam.1.png'),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img2 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('./acc-test/adam.2.png'),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# HessAff + AID + USAC Homography
_, good_HC, _,_,_, ET_KP, ET_M = HessAffAID(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 4000, GFilter='USAC_H')
print("Hessaff-AID + RANSAC USAC --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
# HessAff + Affnet + HardNet + RANSAC_affine with affine maps provided by Affnet
_, good_HC, _,_,_, ET_KP, ET_M = HessAff_HardNet(img1,img2,GFilter='Aff_H-2',HessAffNet=True)
print("HessAffnet + RANSAC_affine with Affnet --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
# SIFT + RootSIFT + ORSA Homography
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_sift, ET_KP, ET_M = RootSIFT(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 0.8, GFilter='ORSA_H')
print("RootSIFT + RANSAC_affine with Affnet --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
# HessianLaplace + RootSIFT + RANSAC_2pts with affine maps provided by HessianLaplace
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_sift, ET_KP, ET_M = HessianLaplaceRootSIFT(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 0.8, GFilter='Aff_H-1')
print("HessianLaplace-RootSIFT + RANSAC_affine with HessianLaplace --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
LOCATE can be used to retrieve tangent planes at verified matching points of the global mapping. This, as explained in the companion paper, can be used to build affine-aware RANSACs such as: RANSAC_2pts and RANSAC_affine.
Let us now execute the three equally structured RANSACs appearing in the companion paper: RANSAC baseline, RANSAC_2pts and RANSAC_affine.
import cv2
from libLocalDesc import *
img1 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('./acc-test/adam.1.png'),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img2 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('./acc-test/adam.2.png'),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# SIFT-AID + RANSAC baseline
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_AID, ET_KP, ET_M = siftAID(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 4000, Simi = 'SignProx', GFilter='Aff_H-0')
print("SIFT-AID + RANSAC baseline --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_AID, ET_KP, ET_M = siftAID(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 4000, Simi = 'SignProx', GFilter='Aff_H-1')
print("SIFT-AID + RANSAC_2pts with LOCATE --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
# SIFT-AID + RANSAC_affine with LOCATE
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_AID, ET_KP, ET_M = siftAID(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 4000, Simi = 'SignProx', GFilter='Aff_H-2')
print("SIFT-AID + RANSAC_affine with LOCATE --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
LOCATE can also be used with other descriptors, but they should be based on the SIFT detector. For example, SIFT+Affnet+Hardnet could use approximating affine maps from either Affnet or LOCATE.
# SIFT + Affnet + HardNet + RANSAC_affine with affine maps provided by Affnet
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_sift, ET_KP, ET_M = SIFT_AffNet_HardNet(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 0.8, GFilter='Aff_H-2')
print("SIFT-Affnet + RANSAC_affine with Affnet --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
# SIFT + Affnet + HardNet + RANSAC_affine with affine maps provided by LOCATE
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_sift, ET_KP, ET_M = SIFT_AffNet_HardNet(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 0.8, GFilter='Aff_H-2')
print("SIFT-Affnet + RANSAC_affine with LOCATE --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
More available configurations can be found in
This source code for guided matching is far from optimised. It was rather used for academic purposes. Our lazy implementation can be drastically improved to obtain better time performances.
Let's launch SIFT-AID with LOCATE guided matching (4 iterations).
import cv2
from libLocalDesc import *
img1 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('./acc-test/adam.1.png'),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img2 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread('./acc-test/adam.2.png'),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, good_HC, KPlist1, KPlist2, H_AID, ET_KP, ET_M = siftAID(img1,img2, MatchingThres = 4000, Simi = 'SignProx', RegionGrowingIters=4)
print("Guided SIFT-AID with LOCATE --> FilteredMatches = %d, KeypointsTime = %3.3f, MatchingTime = %3.3f" %(len(good_HC),ET_KP,ET_M))
More available configurations can be found in
For training you need to specify three image datasets. These images will be used to generate optical affine views. Create default folders by typing:
mkdir -p imgs-train && mkdir -p imgs-val && mkdir -p imgs-test
Now, for example, you can download correspondent datasets from MS-COCO into the default folders.
Also, we need to create the following folders in order to storage tensorboard summaries and the resulting output images and data:
mkdir -p summaries && mkdir -p temp
Once image datasets are available in imgs-train and imgs-val you can train the network.
Generated pairs of patches will be saved into their respective folders, e.g. (db-gen-train-60, db-gen-val-60). Those folders will have scattered files corresponding to patchs pairs. To create blocks of data that can be quickly (and automatically) reused by the trainer please launch also:
python py-tools/
Maximal viewpoint angle of the affine maps to be optically simulated.
DegMax = 75
Set this variable to False
if you want to really train. Use for test when modifying the code.
Debug = True
Set this to True
if no blocks of patch-data have been created yet. It will use all your CPU power for affine simulations. Deactivate back when you have created a sufficient amount of data blocks with
Parallel = False
Set this variable to True
if you want to cycle over blocks of patch-data.
DoBigEpochs = True
Depending on you GPU, select the percentage of GPU memory to be used when training.
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.3
Show all images (slider step = 1)
tensorboard --logdir="./" --samples_per_plugin="images=0"
If tensorboard crashes, try reinstalling it first !!! If locale error (unsupported locale) setting, do:
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
- Mariano Rodríguez - web page
- Gabriele Facciolo
- Rafael Grompone Von Gioi
- Pablo Musé
- Julie Delon - web page
The code is distributed under the permissive MIT License - see the LICENSE file for more details.
- call libOrsa, libMatch and libNumerics. Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Lionel Moisan, distributed under the BSD license.
- call libUSAC. Copyright (c) 2012 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / See its web page to see their specific associated licence.
- call Affnet. Copyright (c) 2018 Dmytro Mishkin / See its source code distributed under the permissive MIT License.
- call VLfeat. Copyright (C) 2007-11, Andrea Vedaldi and Brian Fulkerson, distributed under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License. See its source code for more information.
- call SIFT-AID. Copyright (c) 2019 Mariano Rodriguez / See its source code distributed under the permissive MIT License.