A ray-tracing engine written by Robby Ciliberto in C# / .NET 7 for CS 5360 Non-Interactive Computer Graphics At Northeastern University.
Additional resources used to assist in the creation of this project include the Ray Tracing in One Weekend series of books by Peter Shirley and ScratchAPixel's Ray Tracing Minibooks.
On my machine:
Apple M2 Max (8 performance and 4 efficiency cores)
No optimizations:
Render Time : 00:29:20.1646423
Percent Change : 0.0%
Speed Up : 0x
Just MultiThreaded:
Render Time : 00:03:08.1406913
Percent Change : 89.3% Decrease
Speed Up : 9.3x
Just octree:
Render Time : 00:02:16.7476687
Percent Change : 92.2% Decrease
Speed Up : 12.8x
Both threading and octree:
Render Time : 00:00:18.5429079
Percent Change : 98.9% Decrease
Speed Up : 90.9x
Install .NET Core 7 SDK
Navigate to the RayTracer project folder in your terminal and run the following command:
dotnet publish -c Release -o .
Run the generated program
./RayTracer <file> [options]
❯ ./RayTracer -h
Reads a Wavefront .obj file and renders a scene with that object.
RayTracer <file> [options]
<file> The Wavefront .obj file to read.
-V, --verbose Enables verbose diagnostic information to be printed to the console.
-B, --no-bounding-volumes Disables bounding volume optimization for the render.
-M, --no-submesh-volumes Disables sub-mesh octree bounding volume optimization for the render.
-S, --single-threaded Forces the render to run on a single thread.
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Example output:
❯ ./RayTracer ../../common/objects/bunny_centered.obj -V
Rendering Image ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 00:00:18
Render Time : 00:00:18.4976643
Rays Cast : 25110673
Bounding Volume Intersections : 74112806
Object Intersections : 27629569