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VITA Mapping Project

Repository Purpose

This repository will contain all data used for the VITA mapping project. It also contains Jupyter Notebooks that cover cleaning and prepping.

Maps are on Tableau Public:

Running Jupyter Notebooks

Census API key

First, set up your Census API key. We use the API key by saving it to a .env file.

Save the .env-sample file to .env.

mv .env-sample .env

Then replace the text <YOUR API KEY HERE> in .env-sample with the API key you just got from the Census.

Python & Jupyter setup

You'll need python 3 and Jupyter installed. You'll probably also want git.

With homebrew:

brew install python jupyter
brew install git #optional

Then install the necessary python libraries:

pip install python-dotenv
pip install pandas
pip install geopandas Fiona folium Shapely rtree
pip install census

Running the code

To run the jupyter notebooks, you'll need to download the repo. Either do that through git:

git clone

or download the zip file and unpack it.

Then you'll start jupyter notebook:

jupyter notebook

You should be ready to run!

Repo organization

The repo is split into 2 workflows, based mainly on which map the data are being used for. First, for VITA Sites vs eligibility, we use the files:

  • 1. get ACS data.ipynb* and
  • VITA sites matched to county.ipynb.

This will create two files, ./data/output/acs_household_income_county.csv and vita_sites_by_county.csv.

The other workflow is for VITA sites vs MFT use:

  1. 1. get ACS data.ipynb*
  2. 2. MFT Processing.ipynb
  3. 3. Merging MFT to ACS relational file.ipynb
  4. 4. MFT at the county level.ipynb
  5. and VITA + MFT.ipynb

This will create the file ./data/output/mft_vita_merged.csv.

* You only need to run this file once, even if you're rebuilding both maps.

Data sources used

Data sources for further work

While doing this project, we also found income tax return data from the IRS, including VITA returns.


VITA mapping project






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