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Bruce Porteous edited this page May 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Aerofoils wiki!

Various notes here for anyone thinking about building a cutter and using this software. Hardware of my cutter is roughly:

  • Off the shelf TBA6600 stepper drivers. These work well enough if you don't push them near their limits.
  • Slides etc from China.
  • Power supplies from China (Banggood to be precise)
  • Controller built around a Teensy 3.2 Output pins buffered with transistors to ensure there's a full drive, to allow me to have LEDs to see what's happening and to isolate the Teensy a bit.

The code in this repository drives my cutter. It provides a fairly sophisticated tool chain with all the parts from laying out the wing section, previewing the cut, generating G-Code, interpreting the G-Code and driving the cutter hardware.

Currently both Aerofoil and Cutter are Windows MFC application written in C++ (for largely historical reasons). They share a lot of code which lives in the Kernel folder. The Arduino code that controls the motors monitors limit switches etc lives in the Arduino/cutter folder.

The Arduino code is discussed a bit further in the Arduino Software page.

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