note - This only works for old Loopback 1.x projects
This early alpha provides the base for a CMS-like app built on Loopback. The concept is similar to some "scaffolding" apps available in other languages / frameworks or as a base CMS to built a user-centric data management product from. This is a work in progress of course so things could change at any point. I'm putting it out there right now for others to use and hopefully contribute.
Giving a Loopback app a CMS / Admin interface is as easy as dropping this in your Loopback app (presumably app.js and before you start the server, of course):
var cms = require("lb_cms");
cms.init(app, loopback, {
title: "Data Management" // Title shown at top of admin
Then visit your server URL (e.g. localhost:3000
) and append /administrator
to it and you're off to the races.
Below are the temporary steps to get the cms up and running. Once this library gets its own NPM, it will be one step and not several (I just haven't got there yet).
- Download the repo in whichever manner you prefer
- In the root of the project,
npm install -d
(this will install the dependencies for running grunt, unit tests, etc.) - In the
of the project,npm install -d
(this will install the dependencies for the source code, which is needed at this point to build the sample app) - In the
of the project,npm install -d
(this will install all dependencies for the sample app).
Doing the steps above will set you up for developing on the source code, testing the sample app, running unit tests, etc.
- run:
grunt sampleproject
- visit:
- login:
- username:
- password:
- username:
- run:
grunt mocha
In addition to the example above, you can add a few more params to the CMS init:
: Takes an array of strings which are the names of the models to ignore. Use this to skip models that aren't real models users should be editing. Sample:
ignoreModels: ["email", "user", "application", "acl", "roleMapping", "role", "scope", "push", "installation", "notification"]
: This will override the views
of the admin UI. Use this to create your own views for the admin Sample:
viewsOverride: __dirname + "/views/adminlte"
: Along the lines with the viewsOverride
, this will let you overwrite the JS, CSS, and other assets of the admin template. Sample:
templateOverride: __dirname + "/public"
The override params are great if you want to have a custom admin theme, use something other than the standard view system I implemented (like using AngularJS instead), etc.
The CMS should work out of the box with no changes to Loopback models. However, if you want to customize each field so it has a specific form field in the admin, there are a few currently available. Reference the sample app's "product" model as an example:
var app = require("../app");
var ds = app.dataSources.db;
var Model = ds.createModel("product", {
id: {
type: Number,
id: true,
cms: { fieldType: "Textfield" }
name: {
type: String,
cms: { fieldType: "Textfield" }
description: {
type: String,
cms: { fieldType: "Textarea" }
type: {
type: String,
cms: { fieldType: "Select", selectOptions: ["Beverage", "Torta", "Dessert"] }
categoryId: {
type: Number,
cms: { fieldType: "Relation", reference: "name", readableName: "category" }
boolTest: {
type: Boolean,
cms: { fieldType: "Checkbox" }
Model.belongsTo(app.models.category.modelName, {
as: "category",
foreignKey: "categoryId"
app.model( Model );
Which gives you:
I've only tested this against Loopback's memory data connector. Alledgely it will work against any data source without any changes in code but the devil's in the details there.
The library is written as a singleton, so one usage per Loopback instance.
The library works for Loopback 1.9.1. Migration to Loopback 2.0 is planned.
Thanks to for the great open source admin theme!
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 (see the attached LICENSE file).