The plugin developed for Left 4 Dead games under SourceMod platform (SourcePawn).
- Pass the Tank (player to player).
- Confirmation menu for new Tank owner.
- Flexible configs.
- Admin menu:
- Pass the Tank (without confirmation)
- Takeover the Tank (AI to player)
- Supports both left 4 dead games.
- Don't break game behavior.
- Supports En,Ru languages.
Scratchy (Laika) - For idea and base code.
tRizo Chuck {RW} - For tons of testing.
AdMiRaL*MaLinKa - Testing.
// "Tank Pass plugin version."
// "Execute command according convar value on old_tank and new_tank to close 3d party HUD."
l4d_tank_pass_command "sm_tankhud"
// "0=Kill the alive player before the Tank pass, 1=Replace the alive player with an infected bot before the Tank pass."
l4d_tank_pass_replace "1"
// "0=Allow to pass the Tank when taking any damage, 1=Prevent to pass the Tank when taking any damage."
l4d_tank_pass_damage "0"
// "0=Allow to pass the Tank when on fire, 1=Prevent to pass the Tank when on fire."
l4d_tank_pass_fire "1"
// "If l4d_tank_pass_fire convar set to 0: 0=Ignite the new Tank when passed, 1=Extinguish the new Tank when passed."
l4d_tank_pass_extinguish "0"
// "Sets the Tank passed count according convar value when taking control of the Tank AI. If >1 the tank will be replaced with a bot when the his frustration reaches 0."
l4d_tank_pass_takeover "1"
// "0=Off, 1=Display pass command info to the Tank through chat messages."
l4d_tank_pass_notify "1"
// 0="X gets Tank" window, 1=Quick pass except finales
l4d_tank_pass_logic "1"
// 0=Off, 1=Display the menu when the Tank is spawned
l4d_tank_pass_menu "1"
// 0=Off, >0=The number of times the Tank can be passed by plugin (Frustration counts as pass).
l4d_tank_pass_count "1"
// 0=Off, 1=Ask the player if he wants to get the Tank.
l4d_tank_pass_confirm "1"
// Player Commands:
sm_pass/sm_tankpass/sm_passtank // Pass the Tank control to another player.
// Admin Commands (ADMFLAG_KICK):
sm_forcepass <#userid|name> // Force to pass the Tank to target player.
sm_taketank <#userid|name> // Take control of the Tank AI.
* Called whenever plugin replaces a players tank control with another player
* @param old_tank the player who was a tank
* @param new_tank a player who will become a new tank
* @noreturn
forward void TP_OnTankPass(int old_tank, int new_tank);
Left 4 DHooks Direct
If you want to thank me for the hard work feel free to send any amount.
v 2.5 (02 Aug Sep)
- Added l4d_tank_pass_confirm convar.
- Fixed a bug when it was impossible to pass the Tank to the dead infected if he playing as Tank before dying.
v 2.4.1 (01 Aug Sep)
- SM 1.9 compatibility.
- Tidy up code.
v 2.4 (30 Aug 2020)
- Added third-party plugin support that's spawn tanks.
- Added nyxtools extension compatibility.
- Fixed a bug when passed count not transferred if the Tank left team.
- Renamed some vars
v 2.3 (27 Aug 2020)
- Fixed a bug on finale!
- Added more convars.
- Remove unnecessary code.
v 2.2 (01 Aug 2020)
- Blocked sm_pass command on final stages.
- Updated translations.
v 2.1 (24 July 2020)
- Released on
- Added the tank pass/takeover cmds to admin menu.
- Added more convars.
- Bug fixes.
- Phrases grammar fixes.
v 2.0 (23 July 2020)
- Updated SourcePawn syntax.
- left4dhooks migration.
- Added l4d2 support.
- Added confirm menu.
- Added sm_tankpass, sm_tankfpass commands.
- Removes tank_pass_button convar.
v 1.1 (14 February 2014)
- Added TP_OnTankPass forward.
- Added tank_pass_button convar.
v 1.0 (somewhere in 2013)
- Released privately for some l4d1 servers.