A functional programming approach for converting a list into a binary tree. Haskell library doesn't seem to have such a function or I'm just bad at searching. Anyways, this peace of code have certain functions operating on list and trees.
The idea for this code was obtained, while doing a project on program synthesis. We required a function which can tell us whether a list is a substructure of another or not and if it is, then get the appropriate set of selectors to obtain it.
What does substructure means ? Well, we know that internally, and hopefully, lists in Haskell are represented using 'cons - nil' constructors in the form of a tree. Example: List [1,2,3] is represented as
/ \
1 :
/ \
2 :
/ \
3 []
Here, ":" represents cons constructor and "[ ]" represents nil constructor of list data type.
Sub-structure of this lists are those lists which are part of this tree, and are tree by themselves, and those are:
[1,2,3], [2,3], [3] and [ ], and associated selectors are id
, tail.id
, tail.tail.id
and tail.tail.tail.id