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Superhero Hunter is a web application that allows users to explore information about various superheroes from the Marvel Universe. Users can search for superheroes, view their details, and add them to their favorites list.
- Navigation bar with options to go to the homepage, view favorite superheroes, and search for superheroes.
- Search functionality to search for superheroes by name.
- Display of superhero cards containing their name, image, and options to view details or add/remove them from favorites.
Superhero Details Page:
- Displays detailed information about a selected superhero.
- Shows the superhero's name, ID, number of stories, comics, events, series, and description.
- Allows users to navigate back to the homepage.
Favorites Page:
- Displays a list of favorite superheroes.
- Allows users to remove superheroes from their favorites list.
- Shows a message if no superheroes have been added to favorites yet.
- HTML: Used for structuring the web pages and creating the user interface.
- CSS: Used for styling the web pages and making them visually appealing.
- JavaScript: Used for adding interactivity to the web pages, fetching data from the Marvel API, and managing favorites.
- Bootstrap: Used for responsive design and styling components.
- Marvel API: Used for retrieving information about superheroes.
- Upon loading the homepage, users can browse through the list of superheroes.
- Use the search bar to find specific superheroes by name.
- Click on "View Details" to see more information about a superhero.
- Add or remove superheroes from favorites by clicking the corresponding button.
Superhero Details Page:
- View detailed information about a selected superhero, including their name, ID, stories, comics, series, and description.
- Click on "Go to Homepage" to return to the homepage.
Favorites Page:
- Displays a list of favorite superheroes added by the user.
- Click on "Remove from favorites" to remove a superhero from the favorites list.
- Marvel API: Used for retrieving superhero data.
- Bootstrap: Used for responsive design and styling components.
- Font Awesome: Used for icons.
Ravikant Singh -