plsqlcodecoverage is a program to do code coverages of Oracle PL/SQL code running in the database. Currently only code coverage for packages is supported.
The program creates the following database objects: the tables aaa_coverage and aaa_coverage_statements, the sequence aaa_coverage_seq and the package aaa_coverage_tool.
The codecoverage process works by instrumenting the PL/SQL code, a logging statement is placed before each statement.
Example: A function
function f2(x varchar2) return varchar2 is begin return 'd'||x; end;
function f2(x varchar2) return varchar2 is begin "$log"(4);return 'd'||x; end;
The execution of the statments is logged into the tables aaa_coverage and aaa_coverage_statements. Only the first execution of a statement is logged. The original package state is stored in a clob in table aaa_coverage.
The codecoverage process is started for each package individually. The codecoverage process works for all sessions that use the instrumented packages.
You can only do code coverage for the packages the database user owns. It is possible to use a proxy user.
It should be obvious by know, that the user needs full rights for the schema, the user has to create/drop tables and packages.
Each schema/user has its own version of the database objects.
Needless to say that you should have a copy of your packages. Before instrumemting, the original source code is saved into a clob, but one never knows.
plsqlodecoverage is currently developed as a netbeans project. The platform is java 7, but the root classes are still java 8. I use this setup for developing/debugging.
The system can also be build with a simple ant build file: build-plsqlcodecoverage.xml.
On windows you need an ant installation and you have to set JAVA_HOME correctly. I do this with a configuration script which has these contents on my machine:
set java_home=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25 set ant="C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.1\extide\ant\bin\ant.bat" set orajdbclib=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar set jre7=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7
The variables orajdbclib is used in the build for obvious reasons. The variable jre7 is used to set the bootclasspath.
To build the system, run
%ant% -f build-plsqlcodecoverage.xml target
where target is one of the following:
dist: create a jar file main.jar in the directory dist/plsqlcodecoverage. The folder contains the file ojdbc8.jar which is referenced in the manifest of main.jar.
dist-fat: create a jar file psqlcodecoverage.jar in the directory dist. This jar file contains the class files of the project as well as the class files of the oracle jdbc library.
dist-lean: create a jar file psqlcodecoverage.jar in the directory dist. This jar file contains only the class files of the project. The user must supply the Oracle jdbc classes via the classpath variable or command line. If the oracle jdbc classes are not found during startup the user has to locate the oracle jdbc jar file. The location is stored in the preferences. If the program is started with the single argument -clear-jdbc-file the location stored in the preferences is deleted.
java -jar psqlcodecoverage.jar --- If you are using the jar file created by the target dist, the lib directory with the oracle jar file must be in the same directory as psqlcodecoverage.jar.
If you are using the jar file created by the dist-lean target, you are asked to locate the oracle jdbc jar file on first startup. The chosen location will be saved. Then you will be presented with a login dialog. You can use two kind connections
fat you just have to supply the tns name
thin you have to supply host, port and service for the database
In practice there are problems with the fat type connection. Using this kind of connection loads a dynamic link/shared library into the java process. If the library is 32 bit and the java runtime is 64 bit then an exception will be raised. The same the other way around. The thin connection is implemented in pure java and does not have this problem.
The window shows the packages on the left. The letter in front of a package is
V for packages that are valid but currently not covered.
I for packages that are invalid
C for packages that are covered
The red-to-green square in front of a package indicates the coverage state of a package, more green ⇒ more coverage.
The list below the packages displays the procedures in the currently selected package. The "*"-suffix indicates that a procedure is public, i.e. it is declared in the package specification. Again the square indicates the coverage state of a procedure.
The central text area of the window displays the source code of the currently selected package. Code with green background has been executed, code with red background has not been executed.
The button stop/start coverage are used for starting code coverage and stopping code coverage of the currenty selected package. After a the code coverage of a package is stopped, the program still shows the state of the last code coverage session. Even if the source code of the package is changed.