ErrorHandler Class, initially written by K.D. ( and modified by myself quite a bit for added functionnality.
@requires PHPMailer if you want the ErrorHandler to use PHPMailer to send out emails, instead of using the internal SMTP server.
With this error handler you can:
- Set a PHP error handler
- Set a PHP exception handler
- Register a shutdown function that'll process uncaught errors
- Choose if to log the error to file and choose file to log it to
- Send the error to an email
- Add a custom error 500 page
- Set a custom general error message if no error page is set
- Send the error html to a JSON response under the name 'error500Html',
instead of printing to the browser! - Log/Email an error $ex to admins, without displaying an error page
Requires the following to be defined in ErrorHandlerConfig.php before usage:
namespace CorbeauPerdu\ErrorHandler; define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\APP_NAME', 'Test App'); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\APP_SUPPORT_EMAIL', ''); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DEBUG_MODE', true); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\LOG_ERRORS', true); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SEND_ERROR_EMAILS', true); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SEND_ERROR_EMAILS_WITH_PHPMAILER', true); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\ERROR_REPORTING_EMAIL', ''); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\ERROR_LOG_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/../logs/error_log.log'); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\ERROR_PAGE_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/error500.php'); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\PUBLIC_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'Looks like there was an error. We are already looking in to it!'); and if using PHPMailer: define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_DEBUG', 0); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_AUTH', true); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_SECURE', 'tls'); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_HOST', ''); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_PORT', 587); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_USERNAME', ''); define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\SMTP_PASSWORD', 'password');
Then, set the error handler in your pages with:
set_error_handler(array(new ErrorHandler(), 'handleError'));
You can also set the exception handler (not the same!) with:
set_exception_handler(array ( new ErrorHandler(), 'handleException' ));
You can also register a shutdown function to catch any other uncaught (except ParseError) errors/exceptions:
register_shutdown_function(array ( new ErrorHandler(), 'handleShutdown' ));
Finally, force Log / Email an error $ex to admins, without displaying an error page:
$uniqErrID = ErrorHandler::logError($ex);