This is a basic Web App to maintain a to-do list.
- Python3 with Flask framework
- Modern browser
- Terminal
Download and install python3 - Download
$sudo apt install python3
Install pip3 for python 3 -
$sudo apt install python3-pip
Download and install Flask framework - Download
$pip3 install Flask
Download from Git or email.
Unzip content of
Go to unzipped directory where all folders, .py and .db files are stored.
Go to terminal and execute command -
Go to browser and enter below URL in address bar-
- Once a task is added, the name cannot be edited because at the moment name serve as primary key for task in database and has to be unique.
Web interface is self explantory with function such as:
- Add a new to-do task
- Edit/Delete/Mark complete the task
- Filter tasks by pattern
- Sort tasks by due date
- Days left field for each task
- Current date at top for reference
- Total number of tasks at bottom
- Filter tasks by their status
- Red highlight for tasks which are due past target date
Add a task -
curl -X POST -d '{"task": "Task1", "details": "Contact John Doe about project X", "duedate": "30/11/2020"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Initially when a new task is added, its status by default is Pending.
Complete a task -
curl -X PUT -d '{"task": "Task1", "status":"Completed"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Update a task-
curl -X PUT -d '{"task": "Task1", "details": "Contact John Doe about project X and arrange meeting too.", "duedate": "23/11/2020", "status":"Completed"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Delete task -
curl -X DELETE -d '{"task": "Task1"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Get all task -
curl -X GET