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Getting Started with watch vally

watch vally watch vally.

this website build under the watch niche

you can register and login on this website .

all product loaded via API. from mongo db

we have customers review section. if customers logedin. they are post a review from his or her member dashboard.the review will add dynamically on database and update UI autometically

if you are a member you can not see the admin settings or if you are a admin you can not see the member settings. this the best features on this website

if you are an admin you can add a product,manage all service (if needed you can delete an specefic product),

manage all orders here you can see all orders. you can approve specefic order or delete order

if you are an admin you can make admin others with email

if new user registration successfully. the user created on firebase and also add others information on database

API is hosted via heroku

if you have clicked on Explore more you can see the our all product.

if you have clicked on buy now. we will replace on purchase page. here you can ordered product or products

order is added database dynamically

use can see his/her orders from dashboard. they can delete order (if needed)

noted you can not delete your review. just you can post.