read a full intro here:
- based on the NOISE protocol framework
- connect to any device using just its Ed25519 public id
- peer to peer with assisted nat traversal
- certificate chains to support sane human to many many devices authorizations
- mqtt like pub/sub over anonymous encrypted shadows
- Ed25519 as identity
- tokio
- hash routing
- keepalives, timeouts and rekeying
- [/] nat traversal
- udp
- cert chains
- high level channels
- pty
- stream shell executable from archon
- cli
- ebpf routing
- staking
- self-updating
- shadow broker
- pubsub
- tombstones (offline responders if a publisher is unavailable)
- CRDT shadows
- Delegation for shadow keys (maybe using Attribute Based Encryption)
$ cargo install carrier-cli
# generate a new identity
$ carrier gen
$ carrier mkshadow
address: oTBLtqxSmzPc4yeMinMfFe1RboBJBeMKcvEMr7c2gnE88pP
secret: oNqWCfg4UQJXVsRMxVviZojUPe8oRGYZG6tiKDPJm7j1u1d
$ carrier publish oTBLtqxSmzPc4yeMinMfFe1RboBJBeMKcvEMr7c2gnE88pP "hello world"
$ carrier subscribe oTBLtqxSmzPc4yeMinMfFe1RboBJBeMKcvEMr7c2gnE88pP oNqWCfg4UQJXVsRMxVviZojUPe8oRGYZG6tiKDPJm7j1u1d
oWDw4B1f88jiGj71qMCYTL8RCCdpRYfgbSNXQSDVByRVHV9: hello world
# start the ssh daemon, which forwards your local ssh port 22 to the broker
$ carrier sshd
To access this host add the following to your ~/ssh/config
Host mything
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ProxyCommand carrier connect carrier://oWDw4B1f88jiGj71qMCYTL8RCCdpRYfgbSNXQSDVByRVHV9/ssh
and then just
$ ssh mything
- cold storage
- db trust anchor
sudo ifconfig lo:1
#add delay (this crashes my kernel)
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo:1 root netem delay 100ms 20ms distribution normal
#add loss
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo:1 root netem loss 30%
#deutsche bahn wifi
sudo tc qdisc add dev lo:1 root netem loss 30% delay 100ms 300ms distribution normal
#delete qc rules
sudo tc qdisc del dev lo:1 root
the wireshark dissector can be used with wireshark -X lua_script:wireshark.lua