- git - Command line tool used for version control.
- github - Webhosting site for containing repositories and supporting git commands.
- JavaScript - Language/Files used.
- Node - Shorthand for NodeJS,
- Nodemon - Used for Development: Identifies changes made to your code upon saving, and restarts the server.
- Express - Sets up your index/server, middleware, routes, and endpoints.
- Helmet - Hides your techstack in the header front end.
- Cors - allows multiple outside connections to get access via different url/ports.
- knex - Handles Migration Tables, Seeds, Creates database file through client, provides query methods for server endpoints.
- knex-cleaner - Removes data from databases before re-seeding.
- sqlite3 - Generates Local Database File.
- bcryptjs - Handles password hashing.
- dotenv - Handles environment variables.
- jsonwebtoken - Handles tokening for authentication/authorization.
- cross-env - Allows for different env variables for testing / development.
- jest - Test-runner for model and endpoint testing.
- supertest - Additional testing methods for endpoints.
We struggle to .....
are located in the apiPaths.md file: https://github.com/random-kindness-generator/randomActs-BE/blob/DevEB/apiPaths.md
Field | Data Type | Modifiers |
id | integer | PK, auto-increment |
username | string | required, unique, limited to 255 characters |
password | string | required, limited to 255 characters |
name | string | optional, limited to 255 characters |
string | optional, limited to 255 characters | |
phone | string | optional, limited to 255 characters |
address | string | optional, limited to 500 characters |
Field | Data Type | Modifiers |
id | integer | PK, auto-increment |
name | string | required, limited to 255 characters |
string | optional, limited to 255 characters | |
phone | string | optional, limited to 255 characters |
address | string | optional, limited to 500 characters |
group | string | optional, limited to 500 characters |
user_id | integer | required, FK of users PK, onDelete: cascade, onUpdate: cascade |
Field | Data Type | Modifiers |
id | integer | PK, auto-increment |
action | string | required, limited to 500 characters |