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Add SLE-Micro-Rancher Dockerfile for buildservice automation
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Signed-off-by: Klaus Kämpf <>
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kkaempf committed Aug 17, 2023
1 parent 02dcfba commit ddb19fa
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions .obs/dockerfile/slem4r-os/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Define the names/tags of the container
#!BuildTag: suse/sle-micro-rancher/%%SLEMICRO_VERSION%%:latest
#!BuildTag: suse/sle-micro-rancher/%%SLEMICRO_VERSION%%:%RELEASE%
#!BuildConstraint: hardware:disk:size unit=G 8

FROM suse/sle15:15.5 as host


# Define labels according to
# labelprefix=com.suse.sle.micro.rancher
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.title="SLE Micro for Rancher"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description="Image containing SLE Micro for Rancher - a containerized OS layer for Kubernetes."
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.version="%%SLEMICRO_VERSION%%.%RELEASE%"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.url=""
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.created="%BUILDTIME%"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.vendor="SUSE LLC"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source="%SOURCEURL%"
LABEL org.opensuse.reference=""
LABEL org.openbuildservice.disturl="%DISTURL%"
LABEL com.suse.supportlevel="alpha"
LABEL com.suse.eula="sle-eula"
LABEL com.suse.lifecycle-url=""
LABEL com.suse.image-type="sle-micro"
LABEL com.suse.release-stage="unreleased"
# endlabelprefix

RUN mkdir /osimage

RUN rpm --initdb --root /osimage

RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y filesystem

# make system bootable
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y grub2 shim dracut kernel kernel-firmware-all systemd bash

#!ArchExclusiveLine: x86_64
RUN if [ `uname -m` = "x86-64" ]; then zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y syslinux; fi

# make dracut happy
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y squashfs NetworkManager device-mapper iproute2 tar curl ca-certificates ca-certificates-mozilla

# make ARM happy
#!ArchExclusiveLine: aarch64
RUN if [ `uname -m` = "aarch64" ]; then zypper --installroot /osimage in -y raspberrypi-firmware raspberrypi-firmware-config raspberrypi-firmware-dt u-boot-rpiarm64 grub2-arm64-efi; fi

# make SUSE happy
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y SLE-Micro-Rancher-release systemd-presets-branding-SLE-Micro-for-Rancher

# make elemental-register happy
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y dmidecode lvm2

# make Rancher (containerd) happy
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y apparmor-parser

# add elemental
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y elemental

# make users happy
RUN zypper --installroot /osimage in --no-recommends -y procps openssl openssh vim-small less iputils kernel-firmware-all NetworkManager-wwan cryptsetup podman zypper

FROM scratch as osimage

COPY --from=host /osimage /


# IMPORTANT: Setup elemental-release used for versioning/upgrade. The
# values here should reflect the tag of the image being built
# Also used by elemental-populate-labels
RUN echo IMAGE_REPO=\"${IMAGE_REPO}\" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo IMAGE_TAG=\"${IMAGE_TAG}\" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo IMAGE=\"${IMAGE_REPO}:${IMAGE_TAG}\" >> /etc/os-release && \
echo TIMESTAMP="`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`" >> /etc/os-release
RUN echo GRUB_ENTRY_NAME=\"Elemental\" >> /etc/os-release

# Ensure /tmp is mounted as tmpfs by default
RUN if [ -e /usr/share/systemd/tmp.mount ]; then \
cp /usr/share/systemd/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system; \

# Save some space
RUN zypper clean --all && \
rm -rf /var/log/update* && \
>/var/log/lastlog && \
rm -rf /boot/vmlinux*

# Rebuild initrd to setup dracut with the boot configurations
RUN dracut -f --regenerate-all && \
# aarch64 has an uncompressed kernel so we need to link it to vmlinuz
kernel=$(ls /boot/Image-* | head -n1) && \
if [ -e "$kernel" ]; then ln -sf "${kernel#/boot/}" /boot/vmlinuz; fi

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