This project showcases how to achieve multi-tenancy at DB level(i.e, each tenant having their separate DB in a Saas based application) using Java & Spring boot.
Tech Stack:
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3
- Maven
- Postgres DB
- Class that implements MultiTenantConnectionProvider
- CurrentTenant Resolver
- To save and return current Tenant
- Fetch tenant id from header within filter and save to Thread
- While constructing EntityTransactionManager bean, multiTenantConnectionProvider, CurrentTenantResolver needs to be configured.
- JDK 17
- Maven latest version
- Postgres DB installed and running on your machine
- A database named
created - Run the following sql to create a table named tenant_datasources in the default db
CREATE TABLE tenant_datasources (
tenant_datasource_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
tenant_identifier VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
datasource_url VARCHAR(300),
username VARCHAR(100),
password VARCHAR(100),
active BOOLEAN
- update the file with your postgres username and password
spring.datasource.username=<TODO: your-potgres username>
spring.datasource.password=<TODO: your-potgres password>
- If your default IDE is intellij: Import the project -> Maven build
- On command line: To build source code use the below command
mvn clean package -DskipTest
- If your default IDE is intellij: Run the MultiTenancyDemoApplication class
- On command line: To deploy the application use the below command
mvn spring-boot:run
URL to access the app: http://localhost:8080/multi-tenancy-demo/swagger-ui/index.html#
- Once the swagger is successfully accessible:
- Use the /tenant POST api to create a tenant. This creates a tenant and a separate DB for the tenant with the tenantId
- Use the tenant/initiate api to initiate the tenantDB with the required resource table to perform CRUD operation
- Use the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE end-points under resource with tenant created to access data