What Ales You is a mobile first app that allows you to track and rate your favorite beers from breweries and brewpubs that you visit. View nearby breweries and brewpubs, view the names, descriptions and ABV (alcohol by volume) of the beers offered, rate and save the ratings of the beers you try. Review, update or delete your ratings at any time.
In the rapidly growing craft beer market, millions of beer fans want to remember the many delicious beers they've tried, rate them and keep track of what they've tried, when and where. record, save, recall, update and delete your ratings of the beers you've tried.
A mobile first app where users view nearby breweries and brewpubs then view the beers offered and then rate and save the beers they've tried.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Materialize CSS Framework, jQuery, Handlebars.js, Node.js, Express.js, Knex.js, PostgreSQL and Heroku, and easy login and account creation powered by Passportjs including Facebook authentication and sign-in utilizing OAuth 2.0.
- Users can see a list of nearby breweries and brewpubs as well as a map showing their location and the locations of the nearby breweries and brewpubs.
- Users can click on the list of breweries and brewpubs to see the beers they offer including additional information such as a description and abv.
- Users can rate a beer (1 to 5) and their ratings are automatically saved to their saved ratings list.
- User can view, update and delete their past ratings and visits.