Simplog is a cloud-based Node JS powered free data logging service. SIMPLOG!
- Incoming IP address is now visible in webUI
You can also:
- Log data with just a simple get request from browser/terminal.
- View all logged data with interactive webUI, delete unwanted data.
- login/signup needed to view API token to log/view your data.
Simplog uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [ReactJS] - A JS library for building interactive webUI.
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - Great UI boilerplate for modern web apps.
- [node.js] - Evented I/O for the backend.
- [Express] - Fast node.js network app framework.
- [MongoDB] - Global cloud database service for modern applications.
Want to contribute? Great! Pull requests are always welcome..
- Complete JWT auth
- Write info page