A web application which help you to create, update, delete and track your habit on daily basis. It is user specific app, which mean a user can track their habit, and mark it as done , or not done. The project is built using a tech stack consisting of Node.js for the server-side scripting. Express for handling HTTP requests and routing. MongoDB for storing and managing the data and EJS for rendering the views and templates.
To run this application on your local machine, please follow these steps:
Clone this repository using the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/rajeevkrS/Habit-Tracker
Install the required dependencies using the following command:
$ npm install
Start the application using the following command:
$ npm start
Open the application in your web browser by visiting the following URL:
$ http://localhost:8000
Once you have the application up and running, you can start using it by following these steps:
- Sing-up/Sign-in into your account.
- Click on the "Add Habit" button to create a new habit.
- Enter the name of the habit you want to track.
- Click on the "Save" button to save the habit.
- To mark a habit as complete/incomplete for the day, simply click on the corresponding icon.
- To delete a habit, click on the "Delete" icon next to it.
- To see today's habits, click on "Show Daily" button.
- To edit a habit, click on the "Edit" icon next to it.