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Improving neural networks by enforcing co-adaptation of feature detectors


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TailDropout example workflow

"Improving neural networks by enforcing co-adaptation of feature detectors"

Compression as an Optimization Problem

Imagine starting from an arbitrary layer of a neural network with input vector $h$ of dimension $n$:

$$ y = NN(h) $$

To set "compression" as an optimization problem we could pose it as

"Hit the target as close as possible using either $k=1,2,\dots$ or all $n$ features"

I.e learning a representation that is incrementally better the more features you add. Let's describe this as explicitly minimizing the weighted sum of the $n$ losses:

$$ \text{loss} = \sum_k^n \left| y - NN\left(h \odot \mathbf{\vec{1}}_{k}\right) \right| $$

where $\mathbf{\vec{1}}_k$ is a binary mask zeroing out the vector "tail" after the $k$'th feature:

$$ \mathbf{\vec{1}}_k = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \end{pmatrix}^T $$

This would be a lot of forward passes (1 per feature) so what if we instead randomly sample $k$ with probability $p_k$:

$$ \underline{\overline{k}} \sim \left\{1,2,\dots,n \right\} $$

Doing so we see that in expectation (=large batchsize) we approximate the original objective:

$$ \mathbb{E}[\text{loss}] = \mathbb{E}\left[\left| y - NN\left(h \odot \mathbf{\vec{1}}_{\underline{\overline{k}}}\right) \right|\right] $$

$$ = \sum_k^n p_k \left| y - NN\left(h * \mathbf{\vec{1}}_{k}\right) \right| \\ $$

And that's all there is to it!

I'll add details how we sample $k$ but the gist is that we sample a truncated (censored) exponential distribution which I enjoy doing and where this idea started from.


TailDropout is a nn.Module with the same API as nn.Dropout, applied to a tensor x:

from taildropout import TailDropout
dropout = TailDropout(p=0.5,batch_dim=0, dropout_dim=-1)
y = dropout(x)

At training time, keep a random k first features. Results are as expected; this makes a layer learn features that are of additive importance, like PCA.

See example.ipynb for complete examples.

To use it for pruning or estimating the optimal size of hidden dim, calculate n_features vs loss and create a scree plot:

losses = []
for k in range(n_features):
  losses.append(criterion(y, model(x)))

plt.plot(range(n_features), losses)
plt.title("Loss vs n_features used")

I'm happy to release this since I've found it very useful over the years. I've used it for

  • Estimating the optimal #features per layer
  • In place of dropout for regularization
  • To be able to choose a model size (after training to overfit!) that generalizes.
  • For fiddling with neural networks. ("mechanistic interpretability")

The implementation is faster than nn.Dropout, supports multi-GPU and torch.compile()'s.

Matrix multiplication 101

At each layer, a scalar input feature x[j] of a feature vector x decides how far to map input into the direction W[:,j] of the layer output space. This is done by W[:,j]*x[j]:

TailDropout: While training, randomly sample k

Teach each k first directions to map input to target as good as possible.

Each direction has decreasing probability of being used.

Compare to regular dropout

Teach each $2^n$ subset of directions to map input to targets as good as possible.

Each direction in W has same inclusion probability but there's $2^n$ combinations to learn.

Regular dropout scales input by $\frac{1}{1-p}$ in .eval() mode meaning with $p=0.5$ we could train for an output magnitude ex $[0,2]$ but do inference on ex $[0,1]$ - a cause of much confusion and bugs. TailDropout does not scale differently between train / test.

Comparison to PCA

If W is some weights, then the SVD compression (same as PCA) is

U, s, V = SVD(W)
assert W == U @ s @ V
W = torch.randn([2,10])
U, s, V = torch.linalg.svd(W)

s = torch.hstack([torch.diag(s), torch.zeros(2, 8)])

    U @ s @ V

With s the eigenvalues of W. To use the k first factors/ components/ eigenvectors to represent W, set s[k:]=0

Note that SVD compresses W optimally w.r.t the Euclidian (L2) norm for every k:

$$ U, s, V = \arg\min_{U, s, V} \left| Wx - U , \text{diag}\left(s \odot \mathbf{\vec{1}}_{k}\right) V'x \right| $$

but you want to compress each layer w.r.t the final loss function and lots of non-linearities in between!

Example AutoEncoder; Sequential compression.

When using TailDropout on the embedding layer, k controlls the compression rate:


Here even with k=1 the resulting 1d-scalar embedding apparently separates shoes and shirts.

Compare this to how regular dropout works. Well, it's quite more random. Regular dropout


Training vs Inference

dropout = TailDropout()
dropout(x) # random
dropout(x) # Identity function
dropout(x) # use first k features 


"2d Dropout" == Keep mask constant over spatial dimension. Popular approach.

x = torch.randn(n_batch,n_features,n_pixels_x,n_pixels_y)

cnn = nn.Conv2d(n_features,n_features, kernel_size)
taildropout = TailDropout(batch_dim = 0, dropout_dim = 1)

x = cnn(x)
x = taildropout(x)
Compression/regularization ratio is very large!

If you don't care much about regularization, dropout probability in order 1e-5 still seems to give good compression effect. I typically use TailDropout(p=0.001) to get both.


  author = {Egil Martinsson},
  title = {TailDropout},
  year = {2018},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  commit = {master}


This work was open sourced 2025 but work primarily done in 2018 at Naver Clova/Clair. Big thanks to Minjoon Seo for the original inspiration from his work on Skim-RNN and Ji-Hoon Kim Adrian Kim, Jaesung Huh , Prof. Jung-Woo Ha and Prof. Sung Kim for valuable discussions and feedback.

I'm sure this simple idea has been implemented before 2018 (which I was unaware of at the time) or after (which I have not had time to look for). Please let me know if there's anything relevant I should cite.


Improving neural networks by enforcing co-adaptation of feature detectors







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