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Releases: rafguns/wosfile

wosfile v0.6

26 Apr 12:14
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New features

  • Python 3.9 and 3.10 are officially supported.
  • If the file format used by Clarivate changes (adds new tags), a clearer error message is now shown to the user (contributed by @tungli).

wosfile v0.5

28 Apr 19:40
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New features

  • Python 3.8 is officially supported.
  • Address parsing is moved to a separate property. wosfile now only tries to parse the C1 (author address) field, if the new Record.author_address property is accessed. rec["C1"] is unparsed, thus allowing access to the raw input value. See #9
  • wosfile.readnow also accepts instances of pathlib.Path.

Bug fixes

  • wosfile can now parse mixed C1 fields, with and without authors. Sometimes C1 (author address) contains both subfields with and without author indication. In that case, the ones without authors can be ignored, which is what wosfile does now. See #8
  • Installation failed for some users, due to the lack of an explicit encoding for the README and the fact that there was no wheel on PyPI for v0.4.2. See #10

Behind the scenes

There are also some changes "behind the scenes":

  • Improved presentation on PyPI
  • Better testing, with pytest instead of nose
  • Dependabot tracks dependencies.

wosfile v0.4.1

08 Jul 15:09
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First release with a name that does not clash with other PyPI packages :-)