This is the user documentation repository of Kolibri, where documentation is maintained. The docs themselves are hosted at
To help translate the documentation, please visit our 'kolibri-docs' CrowdIn project
You will need an environment with make
# Create a Python 3 virtual environment using Virtualenvwrapper
# See:
mkvirtualenv -p python3 kolibri-docs
# Install Python requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Build and run:
make docs
You should now be able open the built docs with a web browser at docs/_build/html/index.html
You can also have the docs automatically build and reload:
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
You should now be able open the automatically-rebuilding docs with a web browser at
Some commands related to i18n:
# Build a translated (Spanish) version
$ make docs-translated lang=es
# Install the crowdin-cli client to download/upload translations
$ make crowdin-install
# Fetch translations
$ CROWDIN_API_KEY="your-secret-key" make crowdin-download crowdin-branch=release-v0.7.x
When a new release of Kolibri happens, we track that release in a branch here with the exact same name. We build this branch on Read The Docs.
- Changes to the ENGLISH documentation are accepted through Pull Requests here.
- Changes to other languages should happen on CrowdIn
When a new release happens and the English documentation is finalized, the source messages for translation are uploaded to CrowdIn.
The languages (you're always welcome to request a new one!) are then worked out by translators and approved. Once a language is improved sufficiently, we can fetch the latest strings from CrowdIn and open up a new Pull Request here for the appropriate branch.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License