This package generates navigation/navbar for laravel application. The package also provide a build in html navigation UI, it also allows you to build your own custom navigation UI.
$navitems = Nav::make()
->add('Home', route('home'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-home'])
->header('Adminland', function (Nav $nav) {
->add('Roles', route('role-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-user-tag'])
->add('Users', route('system-user-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-users']);
->header('Employee Management', function (Nav $nav) {
->add('Employee', '#', ['icon' => 'fa fa-user'], function (Children $children) {
->add('List', route('employee-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-list'])
->add('Create', route('create-employee'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-plus-circle']);
->add('Transfer', '#', ['icon' => 'fa fa-money-check-alt'], function (Children $children) {
->add('List', route('transfer-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-list'])
->add('Create', route('create-transfer'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-plus-circle']);
->render(); // array of nav items
$navbar = Navbar::navs($navitems)->render(); // navbar html
Note: You can(should) generate the navbar in the View Composer
use RadiateCode\LaravelNavbar\Nav;
use RadiateCode\LaravelNavbar\Children;
use RadiateCode\LaravelNavbar\Facades\Navbar;
class ViewServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
View::composer('layouts.partials._left_nav',function(View $view){
$navitems = Nav::make()
->addIf(condition: true, 'Roles', route('role-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-user-tag'])
->add('Users', route('system-user-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-users'])
->add('Employee', '#', ['icon' => 'fa fa-user'], function (Children $children) {
->addif(condition: true, 'List', route('employee-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-list'])
->addif(condition: false, 'Create', route('create-employee'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-plus-circle']);
->render(); // array of nav items
// Navbar UI builder
$navbar = Navbar::navs($navitems));
// Now attach the $navbar to your view.
$view->with('navbar', $navbar->render();
// Or you can use `class based view composer`. place the Navbar generator code inside the compose().
View::composer('layouts.partials._left_nav', NavComposer::class);
In _left_nav partials
<aside class="main-sidebar sidebar-dark-primary elevation-4">
<!-- Sidebar -->
<div class="sidebar">
<!-- Sidebar Menu -->
{!! $navbar !!}
<!-- /.sidebar-menu -->
<!-- /.sidebar -->
- PHP >= 7.1
- Laravel 5.7|6.x|7.x|8.x|9.x
- JQuery [Optional for custom navbar UI styling]
- Bootstrap [Optional for custom navbar UI styling]
You can install the package via composer:
composer require radiatecode/laravel-navbar
Publish config file (optional)
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RadiateCode\LaravelNavbar\NavbarServiceProvider" --tag="navbar-config"
header(string $name, Closure $closure, array $attributes = [])
: 1st arg is the name of the header, 2nd arg is a closure to add nav items under the header, 3rd is for any extra attributes (ex: icon, class etc.)
// example
->header('Adminland', function (Nav $nav) {
// add nav items under the Adminland header
add(string $title, string $url, ?array $attributes = null, ?callable $children = null)
: 1st arg name of the nav item, 2nd arg is the nav url, 3rd is for any extra attributes (ex: nav icon, classes), 4th arg is for if you want to add children nav.
//Example 1
$navitems = Nav::make()
->add('Roles', route('role-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-user-tag'])
->add('Users', route('user-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-users'])
// Example 2: with header
$navitems = Nav::make()
->header('Adminland', function (Nav $nav) {
->add('Roles', route('role-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-user-tag'])
->add('Users', route('system-user-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-users'])
->add('Settings', route('system-settings'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-wrench'])
addIf($condition, string $title, string $url, array $attributes = [], ?callable $configure = null)
: 1st arg is the condition bool or closure return bool, 2nd name of the nav, 3rd nav url, 4th extra attributes, 5th a closure for adding children nav.
//Example 1
$navitems = Nav::make()
->addIf(true, 'Roles', route('role-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-user-tag'])
->addIf(false, 'Users', route('user-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-users'])
//Example 2: with header
$navitems = Nav::make()
->header('Adminland', function (Nav $nav) {
->addIf(true, 'Roles', route('role-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-user-tag'])
->addIf(false, 'Users', route('system-user-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-users'])
->addIf(true, 'Settings', route('system-settings'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-wrench'])
You have already noticed how we added children nav. We can also conditionally add children nav
// Example
$navitems = Nav::make()
->header('Employee Management', function (Nav $nav) {
->add('Employee', '#', ['icon' => 'fa fa-user'], function (Children $children) {
->add('List', route('employee-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-list'])
->add('Create', route('create-employee'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-plus-circle']);
->add('Transfer', '#', ['icon' => 'fa fa-money-check-alt'], function (Children $children) {
// we can also conditionally add children nav
->addIf(true, 'List', route('transfer-list'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-list'])
->addIf(true, 'Create', route('create-transfer'), ['icon' => 'fa fa-plus-circle']);
// render() result sample
"home" => [
"title" => "Home",
"url" => "http://hrp.test/",
"attributes" => [
"icon" => 'fa fa-home'
"is_active" => false,
"type" => "menu",
"children" => [] // no children
"adminland" => [ // header
"title" => "Adminland",
"attributes" => [],
"type" => "header",
"nav-items" => [ // nav items under the adminland header
'roles' => [
"title" => "Roles",
"url" => "http://hrp.test/role-list",
"attributes" => [
"icon" => 'fa fa-user-tag'
"is_active" => false,
"type" => "menu",
"children" => [] // no children
'user' => [
"title" => "User",
"url" => "http://hrp.test/system-user-list",
"attributes" => [
"icon" => 'fa fa-users'
"is_active" => false,
"type" => "menu",
"children" => [] // no children
"employee-management" => [ // header
"title" => "Employee Management",
"attributes" => [],
"type" => "header",
"nav-items" => [ // nav items under the employee managment
'employee' => [
"title" => "Employee", // parent nav
"url" => "#",
"attributes" => [
"icon" => 'fa fa-user'
"is_active" => false,
"type" => "menu",
"children" => [ // children nav items of employee nav
'list' => [
"title" => "List",
"url" => "http://hrp.test/employee-list",
"attributes" => [
"icon" => 'fa fa-list'
"is_active" => false,
"type" => "menu",
"children" => []
'create' => [
"title" => "Create",
"url" => "http://hrp.test/create-employee",
"attributes" => [
"icon" => 'fa fa-plus-circle'
"is_active" => false,
"type" => "menu",
"children" => []
provide a built in navbar UI builder so that you can easily integrate the UI with your app.
Note: You can built your own custom Navbar UI by defining custom Navbar Presenter. Or, you can comes up with your own approch to show navbar.
Example: see the view composer example
Available methods of the builder
navs(array $navItems)
: generated nav itemsrender()
: Render the htmlnavActiveScript()
: Nav active script usefull if you want to active the current nav item in the front-end by Js(JQuery). It has another benefit, if you cache the generated navbar this script will help you to active your current nav because the back-end active function only active once before cache, after cached it always show that same active nav. So it is recommended if you want to cache your navbar you should disable back-endnav-active
from the Config and use this script in the front-end.// Example of nav active script $navbar = Navbar::navs($navitems); $view->with('navbar', $navbar->render()) ->with('navScript',$navbar->navActiveScript());
Or, you can add it to you script partials<!-- assume you have layouts.partials._left_nav.blade.php --> <div class="sidebar"> <!-- Sidebar Menu --> {!! $navbar !!} <!-- /.sidebar-menu --> </div> <!-- Note: We assume you have @stack('js') in your template layout--> @prepend('js') {!! $navScript !!} @endprepend <!-- ./ end Js-->
<!-- assume: you have layouts.partials._script.blade.php --> {!! RadiateCode\LaravelNavbar\Facades\Navbar::navActiveScript(); !!} <script> // other js code </script>
Navbar presenter is nothing but a class which contain some functionality to generate navbar html. Under the hood the Navbar builder use this presenter. You can use your own custom presenter. If you use custom presenter make sure you have add it in your Navbar Config
* Presenter for navbar style
* [HTML presenter]
'nav-presenter' => NavbarPresenter::class,
* It will set active to requested/current nav
* [Note: if you want to set nav active by front-end (Js/Jquery)
* Or, if you cached your rendered navbar, then you should disable it]
'enable-nav-active' => true
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.