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Bindings of the r2 api for Valabind and friends


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radare2 API bindings

  • pip install r2libr Python r2libr bindings 🚀
  • Vala / Swig CI vala swig ci🚀

This repository contains the native bindings generated with Valabind to use the radare2 APIs.

If you are looking for the r2pipe bindings, check this repository.


This directory contains the code necessary to use the r2 api from your favourite language.

Supported target languages:

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Java
    • jna Pure Java for FFI
    • java JNI native bindings
  • Go
  • Ruby
  • Perl
  • Lua
  • Vala
  • Rust
    • -o /tmp/r2bindings-output -l rust
  • NewLisp
  • Guile
  • OCaml

And some other experimental bindings are for:

  • GIR
  • C++
  • C#

This package also contains the vdoc/ subdirectory which contains the rules used to generate all interactive html documentation.


To build radare2-bindings from repository you need the following programs installed:

  • swig: enables support for python, perl, lua, java and many other
  • vala: if you want to have Vala or Genie bindings
  • valabind: required only in developer mode (not release tarball)

Release tarballs come with all the pregenerated .cxx files, so you have no extra dependencies apart from the language libraries and C++ compiler.

Using r2pm

Fortunely, all those dependencies can be installed with r2pm:

r2pm -cgi vala swig valabind

Source build

To get install all dependencies do the following steps in order:

  • Install vala and swig from your distro
arch$ sudo pacman -S swig valac
deb$ sudo apt install -y swig valac
mac$ brew install swig valac

Or install

  • Install latest release of Vala from tarball or git
  • Fetch valabind from the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd valabind
$ make
$ sudo make install PREFIX=/usr


If you compile from the repo you need the latest version of valabind and then:

./configure --prefix=/usr

You can select the languages you want to compile with --enable={list-of-langs}

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable=python

r2libr (python)

r2libr are the most complete python bindings generated from source with all libr dynamic libraries bundled in a wheel.

You may have a try without the need to install radare2:

pip3 install --upgrade r2libr

For details, see r2libr.

Experimental radare2 bindgen


This script allows to generate native bindings for these languages directly from radare2 C headers:

More languages are planned, in particular:

  • Ruby - I wanted to use ffi-gen but it needs revival and update to the modern Ruby and Clang.
  • OCaml - needs to be written
  • Lua - maybe LuaAutoC can be used, I don't know.

Usage -o /tmp/r2bindings-output

The tool required radare2 to be installed and takes the include directory from the output of r2 -H It is possible also specify the particular languages, for example: -o /tmp/r2bindings-output -l go rust python


To select the version of python to compile for use the PYTHON_CONFIG environment variable as follows:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-devel
$ cd python
$ PYTHON_CONFIG=python3.2-config make
$ su -
# PYTHON_CONFIG=python3.2-config make install


The valabind integration forces us to do some changes in the r2 API.

These api changes are for:

  • Avoid keywords in function names

    Every language has its own keywords, r2api should try to workaround all those keywords to avoid collisions for bindings.

    Example: use, del, from, continue, etc..

    TODO: we need to review APIs, find better names for functions using those keywords, etc..

  • Review basic data structures

    Linked lists, hash tables, r_db, arrays, ... must be reviewed to fit with vala and swig basics to be able to use them with simple APIs or integrate them with the syntax sugar of the target language.


  foreach (var foo in binls.get_symbols ()) {
	print ("%s 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n",, foo.offset);
  • Unit testing

    Having bindings for python, perl, ruby, .. is good for unit testing because it hardly simplifies the way to test APIs, find bugs, ...

    TODO: write unit testing frameworks for perl, ruby, python, etc..

  • API unification for all languages

    All the previous development points are meant to reduce code in r2, avoid syntax exceptions, simplify api usage, and much moar ;)

SWIG is not complete, there are still so many bugs to fix and so many unimplemented stuff. Here's a list of the most anoying things of it:

  • unsigned char * : not implemented