Moving to decoupled Vue based UI:
Currently this repo contains a monolith django app comprising the app features of UI, Admin, and API. The plan is ultimately to separate it into those respective pieces, and leave this repo to be only for UI.
There are essentially two parts right now, with a third (db) being worked on.
You have the docker-compose portion and the Nginx portion
Install docker and docker-compose
clone this repo and check directory names editing the docker compose file as necessary
then run docker-compose up --build -d
Hot reload is turned on by default
to disable: remove the param:
CMD ["uwsgi", "--py-autoreload=1"]
Install Nginx to your server
then create ui.conf
under /etc/nginx/sites-available
copy the contents of my nginx.conf to ui.conf
then run ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ui.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
Reload Nginx
edit the ui.conf
for domain and ssl
Django over uwsgi: