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Redux Fetcher Compose

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Redux Fetcher Compose is a library for data fetching and integrate @reduxjs/toolkit for React application

It features:

  • Support Hooks, React Component, and Redux action to fetch and get data from API.
  • Auto init reducer and action. It means, you not must declare a reducer to store response data.
  • Support autosave response data to reducer base on URI (caching and prevent DRY code).
  • Support transform response data getter.
  • Support Abort Controller to abort request after unmount or client timeout.
  • TypeScript ready.
  • Support helper checks the status of data and requests.
  • Add more hooks to trigger the request event.
  • Can set timeout and parse the response for each request.
  • Refetch request with previous props.
  • All features supported by @reduxjs/toolkit

...and a lot more.


Inside your React project directory, run the following:

yarn add redux-fetcher-compose

Or with npm:

npm install redux-fetcher-compose

Quick Start

You can checkout example at CodeSandbox


import {
} from 'redux-fetcher-compose'

interface ExampleFetcherProps {
  type: string

interface Post {
  id: string
  name: string
  description: string

type RootState = any // Root reducers type;

const serviceCommon = createService({
  domain: '',
  requestTimeout: 10000

const ENTRY_POINT = 'example'

const fetcher = createFetcher<
  id: 'Example',
  shouldKeepData: true,
  uri: ({ props }) => props.type,
  service: serviceCommon,
  requestInfo: () => {
    return {
      entry: ENTRY_POINT,
      options: {
        method: 'GET',

export const {
  action: getExampleAction,
  component: ExampleFetcher,
  useFetcherCompose: useExampleFetcherCompose,
  useGetter: useExampleGetter,
  useFetcher: useExampleFetcher
} = fetcher


import React from 'react'
import {
} from 'redux-fetcher-compose'
import { useExampleFetcherCompose } from './fetcher.ts'

const appState = createAppState({
  enableReduxDevTools: true,
  reducers: {}, // Root reducers
  initialState: {},

export default function App () {
  const [getter, refetch, abortController] = useExampleFetcherCompose({
    type: 'news'

  const handleRefetch = () => {

  return (
    <DataProvider appState={appState}>
      <h1>Hello Redux Fetcher Compose</h1>
      <button onClick={handleRefetch}>Refetch</button>
      <p>Fetcher data: {JSON.stringify(getter)}</p>



The function to create Redux store and app state context.

const appState = createAppState(options)


  • options: an object of config React Redux.
    • enableReduxDevTools: boolean = false: (optional) whether to enable Redux DevTools integration.
    • reducers: ReducersMapObject = {}: (optional) a single reducer function that will be used as the root reducer.
    • initialState: Object = {}: (optional) an initial state value to be passed to the Redux createStore function.
    • middleware = []: (optional) an array of Redux middleware to install.

Return values

  • store: the store of Redux, it's enhanced some feature to use for fetcher.
  • appStateContext: the value of React context.
    • enhancedStore: the Redux store.
    • dispatch: the function to dispatch Redux action.


The React component to wrap all components of the application to used Redux.

<DataProvider appState={appState}>
  <App />


  • appState: the app state created by createAppState function.
  • children: the React component children.


The React context

import { useContext } from 'react'

const appStateContext = useContext(AppStateContext)

Return values

  • enhancedStore: the Redux store.
  • dispatch: the function to dispatch Redux action.


This React hook returns a reference to the same Redux store that was passed into the <DataProvider> component.

  const enhancedStore = useStore()


The function to create a request service. It's can config API domain, request timeout, parse response of request, pass request options. Moreover, it provides some hooks to trigger events: pre-request, request success, request error. The return value of the function used in the fetcher config as a parameter.

const service  = createService(options);


  • options: the object to config service.
    • domain: string = undefined: (optional) the base domain to request API.
    • requestTimeout: number = undefined: (optional) set time (millisecond) to set timeout for request.
    • responseParser: ResponseParser = defaultResponseParser: the function to parse response. It's decide response of request is success or error.
    • optionsModifier: OptionModifier = undefined: the function to modify request options default.
    • preRequestHook: FnPreRequestHook = undefined: the function to trigger pre request called.
    • requestSuccessHook: FnRequestSuccessHook = undefined: the function to trigger response succeed.
    • requestErrorHook: FnRequestErrorHook = undefined: the function to trigger response error.

Return values

  • service: Service: the function to use in fetcher config.


  • ResponseParser: (response) => Promise
  • OptionModifier: (options) => RequestOptions
    • options: { getAppStateContext, requestInfo }
  • FnPreRequestHook: (options) => void
    • options: { getAppStateContext, requestInfo, options }
  • FnRequestSuccessHook: (options) => void
    • options: { getAppStateContext, requestInfo, options, responseParsed }
  • FnRequestErrorHook: (options) => void
    • options: { getAppStateContext, requestInfo, options, responseParsed }


The function is used to define a fetcher. It's will create fetcher action, fetcher component, some hooks such as useFetcher, useGetter, useFetcherCompose.

 * @generator {FP}: Fetcher prop
 * @generator {RS}: Root state,
 * @generator {R}: Response,
 * @generator {TR}: Transform response
 * @param config
const fetcher = createFetcher<FP, RS = any, R = any, TR = R>(config);


  • config: the configuration object of fetcher.
    • id: string = undefined: (optional) the id of the fetcher. It's used to create a reducer to store response parsed. The field is optional, but if you want to use getter, that must be required.
    • shouldKeepData: boolean = false: (optional) the option help you keep fetcher data when component has use fetcher. It just work when you use useFetcher, useFetcherCompose, fetcher component.
    • uri: FnFetcherURI = undefined: (optional) the path to store response data in fetcher reducer. It useful when you call fetcher at many different contexts. Default fetcher will auto created path is @.
    • service: Service: it service that fetcher used. Created by createService.
    • requestInfo: FnFetcherRequestInfo: the function help declare are config of a request such as: domain, query, timeout, entry point, request options.
    • shouldFetch: FnFetcherShouldFetch = defaultShouldFetch: (optional) the function decided request call or not call. Default return true if the first call or current props different with previous props.
    • preHandler: FnFetcherPreHandler = undefined: (optional) the function will trigger before request called.
    • onPending: FnFetcherOnPendingHandler = defaultOnPending: (optional) the function will trigger while requesting API.
    • onSuccess: FnFetcherOnSuccessHandler = defaultOnSuccess: (optional) the function will trigger when response parsed was succeed.
    • onError: FnFetcherOnErrorHandler = defaultOnError: (optional) the function will trigger when response parsed was error.

Return values

  • action: Redux action. When action dispatched then requesting API.
  • component: the React component. When component mounted then requesting API. But call or not call rely on the value returned of the shouldFetch function.
  • useFetcher: the React hook to help you requesting API. But call or not call rely on the value returned of the shouldFetch function.
  • useGetter: the React hook to help you get info of a request called stored in reducer base on uri.
  • useFetcherCompose: the React hook that compose useFetcher and useGetter.


  • FnFetcherURI: ({ props, getState }) => string;
    • props: Props to pass when use fetcher instance.
    • getState: Get state of root reducer.
  • Service: ({ getAppStateContext, requestInfo, abortController, onPending, onSuccess, onError }) => Promise
  • FnFetcherRequestInfo: (props, getAppStateContext) => RequestInfo
  • RequestInfo: is a object.
    • domain?: string
    • query?: string | {}
    • timeout?: number
    • entry: string
    • options: RequestInit
  • FnFetcherShouldFetch: ({ props, state, localState} ) => boolean;
    • state: is a root state.
    • localState: is a state of fetcher base on uri.
  • FnFetcherPreHandler: ({ props, getState, getAppStateContext, dispatch, localState }) => void
  • FnFetcherOnPendingHandler: ({ props, requestInfo, getState, localState, getAppStateContext, dispatch }) => any
  • FnFetcherOnSuccessHandler: ({ props, requestInfo, getState, localState, getAppStateContext, dispatch }) => TR | R
  • FnFetcherOnErrorHandler: ({ props, requestInfo, error, localState, getState, getAppStateContext, dispatch }) => TR | R

Fetcher values returned


action: (props?: FP, abortController?: AbortController ) => any
  • props: is a prop to pass in fetcher.
  • abortController: is a instance of new AbortController()
  • When you dispatch action will return value, that returned onSuccess or onError function that pass to config fetcher.


 const [refetch, abortController] = useFetcher(props?: FP, defer?: boolean);
  • Hook params:
    • props: is a props will pass to fetcher.
    • defer: If set true then will not request API when hook mounted.
  • Hook return value:
    • refetch is a function to refetch API: (newProps? FP) => TR
    • abortController is a instance of AbortController.


const getter = useGetter(props?: FP, transform?: (getter) => { ... })
  • Hook params:
    • props: is a props will pass to fetcher.
    • transform: is a function to transform data before return.
  • Hook return one object include properties:
    • fetchStatus: is a fetch status.

    • dataStatus: is a fetcher data status.

    • value: is a value returned by onPending, onSuccess or onError

    • previous: is a previous getter after one action dispatched to change getter data.

    • currentProps: is current props to passed in fetcher.

    • previousProps: is previous props to passed in fetcher.

    • isStatus: is a function to check status of request

      isStatus: (dataStatus: DataStatus) => boolean;
    • isLoading: it is true: API requesting.


 const [getter, refetch, abortController] = useFetcherCompose(props?: FP, transform?: (getter) => { ... });
  • Hook params:
    • props: is a props will pass to fetcher.
    • defer: If set true then will not request API when hook mounted.
  • Hook return value:
    • getter is a value returned by transform function. It a object same value returned by useGetter hook.
    • refetch is a function to refetch API: (newProps? FP) => TR
    • abortController is a instance of AbortController.


 <Component {...props} transform={(getter) => { ... }}>
   <SomethingComponent />
  • Component will pass all props into fetcher.

  • Component has specific prop is transform.

    transform: (getter) => {...}
  • SomethingComponent will passed two props: getter and refetch.

    • getter is a value returned by transform function. It a object same value returned by useGetter hook.
    • refetch is a function to refetch API: (newProps? FP) => TR


The function to check should fetch or shouldn't fetch API. By check, fetch data status is initial or previous props different current props.

Some enums


The status of fetcher data.

  • Initial: is the initial state.
  • Initializing: pending on the first request.
  • Initialized: done on the first request.
  • Updating: pending since the first request.
  • Updated: done since the first request.
  • Loading: is requesting.
  • Error: the response was an error.
  • Success: the response was succeeded.
  • Aborted: the response was aborted.
  • Timeout: the response timeout.


The status of the request.

  • Init
  • Pending
  • Done
  • Aborted
  • Timeout

Some helpers


The function using the qs library. Help you parse query string to object with default ignoreQueryPrefix = true.

const queryObject = parseQuery(query: string, options: IParseOptions)


The function using the qs library. Help you parse query string to object with default addQueryPrefix = true.

const queryString = stringifyQuery(query: Object, options: IStringifyOptions)

Some interfaces

  • Service
  • FnFetcherShouldFetch
  • FnFetcherPreHandler
  • FnFetcherRequestInfo
  • FnFetcherURI
  • FnFetcherOnPendingHandler
  • FnFetcherOnSuccessHandler
  • FnFetcherOnErrorHandler
  • ResponseParsed

And export all modules of @reduxjs/toolkit library


Use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Lê Quí Nhất -


Data Provider, Data Fetcher for React and Redux application






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