A system that can predict pneumonia from X_Ray image compliment with RPA workflow
This project is a submission from a 2-day mini AI-thon organized by Skymind
1st - First place
To assist the healthcare industry by sending covid-19 diagnosis result directly from the radiologist to the doctors to avoid human intervention, complementing with RPA workflow to avoid iterative process.
Deep Learning CNN, Web Api, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Download h5 file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1scqgXosKhmHqj7b5dKrL2LGoyBeFMVJ3/view?usp=sharing
pip install -r requirement.txt
cd webapp/
env FLASK_APP=predict_app.py Flask run --host=localhost
and then open http://localhost:5000/static/predict.html
pip install -r requirement.txt
jupyter lab
1. Download UIPATH: https://cloud.uipath.com/iiumxzcsuyg/portal_/home
2. Open Project folder "CovidDiagnosisProcess"
3. Change the URL as needed
1. Chan Kuok Hong/Rex Chan
2. Muhammad Laziem Bin Shafie
3. Muhammad Amiruddin Bin Bustaman
4. Rehan Shahid