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Jean Bisutti edited this page Sep 29, 2021 Β· 30 revisions

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JUnit 4

JUnit 5

JVM annotations

SQL annotations


Project examples

JUnit 4

Add one of the following dependencies below.

Spring 5


Spring 4


Spring 3


In the test class, use @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) instead of@RunWith(QuickPerfSpringRunner.class).

QuickPerfSpringRunner adds QuickPerf features to SpringRunner (also called SpringJUnit4ClassRunner).

Java code example with QuickPerfSpringRunner

	import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
	import quickperf.spring.QuickPerfSpringRunner;

	public class AccountTest {


JUnit 5

First, add QuickPerf dependencies for JUnit 5.

Second, transform the test into a QuickPerf test with JUnit 5.

JVM annotations

After applying the JUnit 4 or the JUnit 5 configuration below, you can use the JVM annotations, except the JVM profiling annotations. To use the last ones, please read this.

QuickPerf executes annotations after the loading of the SpringContext. For example, if you use ProfileJvm annotation, QuickPerf will not profile the Spring context loading.

SQL annotations

QuickPerf needs to intercept the SQL statements sent to the database.

The sections hereafter describe several ways to allow QuickPerf to intercept the SQL statements with Spring.

Spring Boot

With Spring Boot 1, add the following dependency


With Spring Boot 2, use this dependency


If something is missing for some tests using SQL annotations, the console will display configurations to add:

Do you use @DataJpaTest? This annotation disables Spring auto-configuration.
So, QuickPerf Spring auto-configuration is disabled.
To allow QuickPerf to intercept the SQL queries, you have two possibilities: 
1) Import QuickPerfSqlConfig (recommended): 
	import org.quickperf.spring.sql.QuickPerfSqlConfig;
	public class TestClass {
2) Force to enable Spring auto-configuration by adding
   @OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = true) on the test class

Spring without Spring Boot

With Spring 4 add


With Spring 5 add


Import org.quickperf.spring.sql.QuickPerfSqlConfig configuration on the test class.

πŸ”Ž Example

import org.quickperf.spring.sql.QuickPerfSqlConfig;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.DataJpaTest;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;

public class PlayerRepositoryTest {


REST controller without MockMvc

You have to execute the test in a dedicated JVM, for example, using HeapSize annotation.

If you don't do this, QuickPerf will display the following message on the console to help you in the configuration:

Execute the test in a dedicated JVM by adding @HeapSize(value = ..., unit = AllocationUnit.MEGA_BYTE).
A heap size value around 50 megabytes may allow the test to run.

πŸ”Ž Example

import football.FootballApplication;
import football.dto.PlayerWithTeamName;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.quickperf.jvm.allocation.AllocationUnit;
import org.quickperf.jvm.annotations.HeapSize;
import org.quickperf.spring.junit4.QuickPerfSpringRunner;
import org.quickperf.sql.annotation.ExpectSelect;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate;
import org.springframework.boot.web.server.LocalServerPort;
import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;

import java.util.List;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

@SpringBootTest(classes = {FootballApplication.class}
              , webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT
public class PlayerControllerTest {

    private int port;

    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    @HeapSize(value = 50, unit = AllocationUnit.MEGA_BYTE)
    public void should_get_all_players() {

        // GIVEN
        String url = "http://localhost:" + port + "/players";

        // WHEN
        ParameterizedTypeReference<List<PlayerWithTeamName>> paramType = new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<PlayerWithTeamName>>() {};
        ResponseEntity<List<PlayerWithTeamName>> playersResponseEntity = restTemplate
                .exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, null, paramType);

        // THEN

        List<PlayerWithTeamName> players = playersResponseEntity.getBody();



XML configuration

<bean id="QuickPerfProxyBeanPostProcessor" class = "org.quickperf.spring.sql.QuickPerfProxyBeanPostProcessor" />


You can't yet use QuickPerf annotations when Spring is used together with TestNG. If you are interested in this feature, you can help us to develop it. Don't hesitate to leave a comment on this issue.

Project examples

Spring Boot & Junit4

Spring Boot & Junit5

Spring Boot & Junit5 & Testcontainers


πŸ‘‰  Core

πŸ‘‰  JVM

πŸ‘‰  SQL

πŸ‘‰  Scopes

πŸ‘‰  Create an annotation

Supported frameworks

πŸ‘‰  JUnit 4

πŸ‘‰  JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰  TestNG

πŸ‘‰  Spring

How to

πŸ‘‰  Detect and fix N+1 SELECT

Project examples

πŸ‘‰  Maven performance

πŸ‘‰  Spring Boot - JUnit 4

πŸ‘‰  Spring Boot - JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰  Micronaut Data - JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰  Micronaut - Spring - JUnit 5

πŸ‘‰  Quarkus - JUnit 5


πŸ‘‰  FAQ

πŸ‘‰  QuickPerf code

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