Matlab software for analysing particle displacement in TIF data from CET IIB project on particle uplift.
EJR 2016
Mainly rough work so far.
This folder contains a set of GPL particle tracking software for Matlab, based on Crocker + Grier's method, modified by DLB et al. It is used by the scripts below
This script applies particle finding, tracking, and analysis to a sample data file. It is hard-coded to analyse regions in the video file 'Exp1.MP4' and would need modifications to work on other data.
This script improves the robustness of particle finding + tracking, and generates overlays etc. in a cleaner way. It also allows (and requires, by default) the user to define a rectangular region of interest, so it can be applied to more data. The particle tracking is adjusted to work with image data with not red lines on the glass.
Post-processes data in workspace from trackuplift_v2, and produces time-resolved visualisations of the analysis.
Post-processes data in workspace from trackuplift_v2, and produces time-resolved visualisations of the distortion of a square mesh.