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Integrated plugins

Herr Vigg edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 1 revision

This page is obsolete - under construction!

The following plugins provide integration of qTranslate-X with other popular plugins:

Please, report other plugins that fit this list.

Plugins Naming Convention

When submitting a new integrating plugin to WordPress, enter the name of plugin on submission form in such a way that it generates slug “[slug of original plugin]-qtranslate-x”. Plugin’s slug gets auto-generated once at the time of submission and can never be changed. This way the two plugins get listed next to each other in folder on file system. Once your plugin is approved, change the title to be “Integration: [Title of Original Plugin] & qTranslate-X”. This is how most of integrating plugins are currently done. Do not start the plugin title with neither name of the original plugin, nor with “qTranslate-X” as this violates trademark policies, as it is explained in the item #17 of WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines and WordPress folks will ask you to change it sooner or later when they discover it.