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Merge pull request youngyangyang04#232 from resyon/dev
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youngyangyang04 authored May 23, 2021
2 parents dc5bb2c + 5049fca commit ff3605a
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Showing 2 changed files with 150 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions problems/0206.翻转链表.md
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,35 @@ Python:


func reverseList(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
var pre *ListNode
cur := head
for cur != nil {
next := cur.Next
cur.Next = pre
pre = cur
cur = next
return pre

func reverseList(head *ListNode) *ListNode {
return help(nil, head)

func help(pre, head *ListNode)*ListNode{
if head == nil {
return pre
next := head.Next
head.Next = pre
return help(head, next)


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121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions problems/0707.设计链表.md
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -393,6 +393,127 @@ class MyLinkedList:


type MyLinkedList struct {
dummy *Node

type Node struct {
Val int
Next *Node
Pre *Node

//仅保存哑节点,pre-> rear, next-> head
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
func Constructor() MyLinkedList {
rear := &Node{
Val: -1,
Next: nil,
Pre: nil,
rear.Next = rear
rear.Pre = rear
return MyLinkedList{rear}

/** Get the value of the index-th node in the linked list. If the index is invalid, return -1. */
func (this *MyLinkedList) Get(index int) int {
head := this.dummy.Next
//head == this, 遍历完全
for head != this.dummy && index > 0 {
head = head.Next
//否则, head == this, 索引无效
if 0 != index {
return -1
return head.Val

/** Add a node of value val before the first element of the linked list. After the insertion, the new node will be the first node of the linked list. */
func (this *MyLinkedList) AddAtHead(val int) {
dummy := this.dummy
node := &Node{
Val: val,
Next: dummy.Next,
//head.Pre 指向哑节点
Pre: dummy,

dummy.Next.Pre = node
dummy.Next = node

/** Append a node of value val to the last element of the linked list. */
func (this *MyLinkedList) AddAtTail(val int) {
dummy := this.dummy
rear := &Node{
Val: val,
//rear.Next = dummy(哑节点)
Next: dummy,
//rear.Pre = ori_rear
Pre: dummy.Pre,

//ori_rear.Next = rear
dummy.Pre.Next = rear
//update dummy
dummy.Pre = rear

/** Add a node of value val before the index-th node in the linked list. If index equals to the length of linked list, the node will be appended to the end of linked list. If index is greater than the length, the node will not be inserted. */
func (this *MyLinkedList) AddAtIndex(index int, val int) {
head := this.dummy.Next
//head = MyLinkedList[index]
for head != this.dummy && index > 0 {
head = head.Next
node := &Node{
Val: val,
//node.Next = MyLinkedList[index]
Next: head,
//node.Pre = MyLinkedList[index-1]
Pre: head.Pre,
//MyLinkedList[index-1].Next = node
head.Pre.Next = node
//MyLinkedList[index].Pre = node
head.Pre = node

/** Delete the index-th node in the linked list, if the index is valid. */
func (this *MyLinkedList) DeleteAtIndex(index int) {
if this.dummy.Next == this.dummy {
head := this.dummy.Next
//head = MyLinkedList[index]
for head.Next != this.dummy && index > 0 {
head = head.Next
if index == 0 {
//MyLinkedList[index].Pre = index[index-2]
head.Next.Pre = head.Pre
//MyLinedList[index-2].Next = index[index]
head.Pre.Next = head.Next


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