Releases: qiskit-community/ffsim
Releases · qiskit-community/ffsim
What's Changed
- Support simulating Qiskit circuits with Qiskit gates by @kevinsung in #368
Full Changelog: v0.0.50...v0.0.51
What's Changed
- Support Python 3.13 by @kevinsung in #356
- add FermionOperator.simplify by @kevinsung in #358
- check type of bitstring_type in convert_bitstring_type by @kevinsung in #362
- run Cargo clippy to fix CI by @kevinsung in #363
- update ruff to v0.9.9 by @kevinsung in #365
- add direct test for state vector simulation of Qiskit circuits by @kevinsung in #364
- fix conversion between spinless ffsim and qiskit vecs by @kevinsung in #366
- fix MolecularData saving and loading of atom by @kevinsung in #367
Full Changelog: v0.0.49...v0.0.50
What's Changed
- Remove deprecated functions by @kevinsung in #338
- Add function to sample random density matrix by @kevinsung in #339
- Sample random states: raise ValueError if dim is zero by @kevinsung in #340
- simplify t2 amplitudes tensor reshaping by @kevinsung in #341
- move slater sampler tests to separate file by @kevinsung in #342
- factor out orbital rotation from t1 amplitudes function by @kevinsung in #343
- add interaction_pairs_spin_balanced to variational.util by @kevinsung in #344
- Add UCJ angles spin-balanced ansatz by @kevinsung in #345
- move slater tests to correct file by @kevinsung in #346
- support random real-valued diagonal coulomb hamiltonian by @kevinsung in #350
- update upload-artifact to v4 by @kevinsung in #352
- fix CI by @kevinsung in #354
- Implement trace of FermionOperator by @minhctran in #349
New Contributors
- @minhctran made their first contribution in #349
Full Changelog: v0.0.48...v0.0.49
What's Changed
- Add real-valued UCCSD ansatz by @kevinsung in #327
- better type handling for orb rot <-> params conversion by @kevinsung in #329
- add missing argument documentation by @kevinsung in #331
- Add function to return Slater determinant amplitudes by @kevinsung in #330
- reorganize slater functions by @kevinsung in #332
- fix numpy array handling in strings to addresses by @kevinsung in #333
- support interaction pairs for random ucj ops by @kevinsung in #335
- remove deprecated classes from variational module by @kevinsung in #336
- enable check-untyped-defs mypy option by @kevinsung in #337
The following deprecated functions and classes were removed:
- ffsim.GivensAnsatzOperator
- ffsim.RealUCJOperator
- ffsim.UCJOperator
- ffsim.qiskit.GivensAnsatzOperatorJW
- ffsim.qiskit.GivensAnsatzOperatorSpinlessJW
- ffsim.qiskit.UCJOperatorJW
- ffsim.random.random_ucj_operator
Full Changelog: v0.0.47...v0.0.48
What's Changed
- fix sampling bit array with zero shots by @kevinsung in #326
Full Changelog: v0.0.46...v0.0.47
What's Changed
- Support complex two-body tensor linear operator by @kevinsung in #279
- ffsim sampler: return bit array directly by @kevinsung in #324
- FfsimSampler: support global depolarizing noise by @kevinsung in #325
Full Changelog: v0.0.45...v0.0.46
What's Changed
- add qiskit diag coulomb trotter gate by @kevinsung in #304
- fix mypy by @kevinsung in #309
- import FermionOperator from operators by @kevinsung in #307
- add fermion_operator for df hamiltonian by @kevinsung in #308
- update blas-src by @kevinsung in #312
- update ruff to 0.6.2 by @kevinsung in #313
- just use assert and == in test by @kevinsung in #315
- split Hubbard tests by @kevinsung in #316
- delete some hubbard tests by @kevinsung in #317
- add periodic_x and periodic_y to fermi-hubbard by @kevinsung in #318
- Use Qiskit sphinx theme by @kevinsung in #306
- docs: fix order of sections in qiskit gate decompositions notebook by @kevinsung in #319
- support generating random complex double-factorized hamiltonian by @kevinsung in #320
- Upgrade pyo3 to 0.21 by @kevinsung in #322
Full Changelog: v0.0.44...v0.0.45
What's Changed
- add diag coulomb hamiltonian diag by @kevinsung in #296
- Direct slater sampler by @jrm874 in #257
- Add fswap gate by @haimeng-zhang in #295
- slater sampler: use set instead of list by @kevinsung in #299
- slater sampler: don't use np.ix_ by @kevinsung in #300
- add ftol to linear method and change gtol convergence to match scipy by @kevinsung in #302
- replace W with U for unitary by @kevinsung in #303
New Contributors
- @jrm874 made their first contribution in #257
- @haimeng-zhang made their first contribution in #295
Full Changelog: v0.0.43...v0.0.44
What's Changed
- UCJ: pad t amplitude initialization to requested n_reps by @kevinsung in #294
Full Changelog: v0.0.42...v0.0.43
What's Changed
- add to_molecular_hamiltonian and diag to df hamiltonian by @kevinsung in #287
- use more accurate trace in docs and tests by @kevinsung in #288
- add CISD to MolecularData by @kevinsung in #289
- simplify molecular data run methods by @kevinsung in #290
- add SCI data to molecular data by @kevinsung in #293
Full Changelog: v0.0.41...v0.0.42