"What is it?" -- asked Disco the talking budgie.
This is an android example of using mxnet to classify pictures.
| |
| ----com.happen.it.make.whatisit -- the UI module
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| ----org.dmlc.mxnet -- the java interface
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| -----armeabi -- the directory containing dynamic link lib for android
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| -------------- libmxnet_predict.so --- the prediction lib
The example in mxnet doesn't include the model and pre-compiled native library for repo-size consideration.
To compile the android lib by yourself, have a look at mxnet/amalgamation.
To download a complete example with precompiled lib and a simple model, clone https://github.com/Leliana/WhatsThis.git .
NOTE: This example doesn't run with emulator unless you build a native lib for android emulator.