- This project is made with Lektor. Lektor is a static content management and pages can be easy written in Markdown
- The design uses Spectre as its base. Spectre is a lightweight CSS framework with a lot of components you can use.
- Clone the repository or open in GitHub Codespace
- Make a virtual environment and activate it (for some reason, the lektor CLI works only in venv)
- Install requirements with
make install
- Run Lektor server with
make serve
for live preview of the website (on port 5000)
Please follow these rules to keep the repo clean:
- Name branches with prefix
- Do so also for the pull request
- You can see a preview for reviews in a pull requests:
- The main branch is automatically live deployed with Netlify, so be careful what you push here!
- The
is executed in the Netlify build process
- Go to http://localhost:5000/admin/root:talk-recordings/edit
- Click "Add Page"
- Choose the "Recording" model
- Set the "Title" field to the talk title
- Click "Add Child Page"
- Fill in the data and save
- Click "Add Attachment"
- Upload PDF file with slides
- Click on the attachment in the left navigation
- Change the attachment type to "Slides"
Note: The playlist URLs are stored in databags/playlists.json
- See Scripts in
- These scripts will provide you with the folder structure.
- Thinks to do manually:
- Add the youtube urls in the
files (per talk) - Add the playlist URLs in
- Add the slides pdf and give it the same filename as the
- Add the youtube urls in the