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Nabeen Tiwaree edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 5 revisions

EWM default keybindings

Note: MOD is windows/super key.


Combo action
Mouse focus under cursor
MOD + Left Mouse move window
MOD + Right Mouse resize window
MOD + Alt + h split window to right
MOD + Alt + j split window to down
MOD + Alt + k split window to up
MOD + Alt + l split window to left
MOD + grave key Toggle scratchpad
MOD + f maximize toggle
MOD + r resize window(touchpads)
MOD + Shift + x powermenu (shutdown/reboot/sleep)
MOD + p Take current window screenshot
Mod + Shift + p Take ss with selection menu
MOD + x center window
MOD + c kill window
MOD + 1-6 desktop swap
MOD + Shift +1-6 send window to desktop
MOD + Shift +q kill ewm
Alt + TAB (alt-tab) focus cycle

Default Programs used in ewm

combo action program
MOD + Return terminal st
MOD + space dmenu dmenu_run
MOD + shift + x powermenu dmenu_run/swpb
MOD + p screenshot imagemagick/swpb
MOD + shift + p ss with menu imagemagick/swpb
MOD + w websearch def browser/swpb
XF86_AudioLowerVolume volume down pactl
XF86_AudioRaiseVolume volume up pactl
XF86_AudioMute volume toggle pactl
XF86_MonBrightnessUp brightness up brillo
XF86_MonBrightnessDown brightness down brillo
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