pdk update 3.2.0 #236
on: pull_request
Setup Test Matrix
Matrix: Spec / spec
Matrix: Acceptance / acceptance
Waiting for pending jobs
20 errors
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt::backports debian/ubuntu tests with defaults on ubuntu is expected to contain Apt::Source[backports] with location => "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu", repos => "main universe multiverse restricted", release => "jammy-backports", pin => {"priority"=>200, "release"=>"jammy-backports"} and keyring => "/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg"
expect(subject).to contain_apt__source('backports').with(
location: 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu',
repos: 'main universe multiverse restricted',
release: 'jammy-backports',
pin: {
'priority' => 200,
'release' => 'jammy-backports'
keyring: '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg',
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt::backports debian/ubuntu tests with everything set is expected to contain Apt::Source[backports] with location => "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-test", key => "A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553", repos => "main", release => "vivid" and pin => {"priority"=>90, "release"=>"vivid"}
expect(subject).to contain_apt__source('backports').with(
location: 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-test',
key: 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553',
repos: 'main',
release: 'vivid',
pin: { 'priority' => 90, 'release' => 'vivid' },
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt::backports debian/ubuntu tests when set things with hashes is expected to contain Apt::Source[backports] with key => {"id"=>"A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553"} and pin => {"priority"=>"90"}
expect(subject).to contain_apt__source('backports').with(
key: { 'id' => 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553' },
pin: { 'priority' => '90' },
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with entries for /etc/apt/auth.conf when on Ubuntu 18.04 with manage_auth_conf => true is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/auth.conf] with ensure => "present", owner => "_apt", group => "root", mode => "0600", notify => "Class[Apt::Update]" and content => Sensitive("// This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.\nmachine deb.example.net login foologin password secret\nmachine apt.example.com login aptlogin password supersecret\n")
expect(subject).to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf').with(ensure: 'present',
owner: '_apt',
group: 'root',
mode: '0600',
notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]',
content: sensitive(auth_conf_content))
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with entries for /etc/apt/auth.conf when on Ubuntu 18.04 with manage_auth_conf => false is expected not to contain File[/etc/apt/auth.conf]
Failure/Error: expect(subject).not_to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf')
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain Apt::Setting[list-debian_unstable] with ensure => "present"
Failure/Error: expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('list-debian_unstable').with(ensure: 'present')
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list] with content =~ /^deb http:\/\/debian.mirror.iweb.ca\/debian\/ unstable main contrib non-free$/
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list').with_content(%r{^deb http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free$}) }
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list] with content =~ /^deb-src http:\/\/debian.mirror.iweb.ca\/debian\/ unstable main contrib non-free$/
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list').with_content(%r{^deb-src http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free$}) }
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain Apt::Setting[list-puppetlabs] with ensure => "present"
Failure/Error: expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('list-puppetlabs').with(ensure: 'present')
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 8.0, Ruby Ver: 3.2):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list] with content =~ /^deb http:\/\/apt.puppetlabs.com bionic main$/
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list').with_content(%r{^deb http://apt.puppetlabs.com bionic main$}) }
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az914-349.2e4pmxhwlzfuhnev11cd0y0noa.phxx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt::backports debian/ubuntu tests with defaults on ubuntu is expected to contain Apt::Source[backports] with location => "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu", repos => "main universe multiverse restricted", release => "jammy-backports", pin => {"priority"=>200, "release"=>"jammy-backports"} and keyring => "/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg"
expect(subject).to contain_apt__source('backports').with(
location: 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu',
repos: 'main universe multiverse restricted',
release: 'jammy-backports',
pin: {
'priority' => 200,
'release' => 'jammy-backports'
keyring: '/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg',
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt::backports debian/ubuntu tests with everything set is expected to contain Apt::Source[backports] with location => "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-test", key => "A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553", repos => "main", release => "vivid" and pin => {"priority"=>90, "release"=>"vivid"}
expect(subject).to contain_apt__source('backports').with(
location: 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-test',
key: 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553',
repos: 'main',
release: 'vivid',
pin: { 'priority' => 90, 'release' => 'vivid' },
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt::backports debian/ubuntu tests when set things with hashes is expected to contain Apt::Source[backports] with key => {"id"=>"A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553"} and pin => {"priority"=>"90"}
expect(subject).to contain_apt__source('backports').with(
key: { 'id' => 'A1BD8E9D78F7FE5C3E65D8AF8B48AD6246925553' },
pin: { 'priority' => '90' },
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with entries for /etc/apt/auth.conf when on Ubuntu 18.04 with manage_auth_conf => true is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/auth.conf] with ensure => "present", owner => "_apt", group => "root", mode => "0600", notify => "Class[Apt::Update]" and content => Sensitive("// This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.\nmachine deb.example.net login foologin password secret\nmachine apt.example.com login aptlogin password supersecret\n")
expect(subject).to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf').with(ensure: 'present',
owner: '_apt',
group: 'root',
mode: '0600',
notify: 'Class[Apt::Update]',
content: sensitive(auth_conf_content))
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with entries for /etc/apt/auth.conf when on Ubuntu 18.04 with manage_auth_conf => false is expected not to contain File[/etc/apt/auth.conf]
Failure/Error: expect(subject).not_to contain_file('/etc/apt/auth.conf')
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain Apt::Setting[list-debian_unstable] with ensure => "present"
Failure/Error: expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('list-debian_unstable').with(ensure: 'present')
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list] with content =~ /^deb http:\/\/debian.mirror.iweb.ca\/debian\/ unstable main contrib non-free$/
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list').with_content(%r{^deb http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free$}) }
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list] with content =~ /^deb-src http:\/\/debian.mirror.iweb.ca\/debian\/ unstable main contrib non-free$/
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian_unstable.list').with_content(%r{^deb-src http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free$}) }
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain Apt::Setting[list-puppetlabs] with ensure => "present"
Failure/Error: expect(subject).to contain_apt__setting('list-puppetlabs').with(ensure: 'present')
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net
Spec / Spec tests (Puppet: ~> 7.24, Ruby Ver: 2.7):
apt with sources defined on valid os.family is expected to contain File[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list] with content =~ /^deb http:\/\/apt.puppetlabs.com bionic main$/
Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to contain_file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list').with_content(%r{^deb http://apt.puppetlabs.com bionic main$}) }
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Class[Apt]: parameter 'ppa_options' expects a value of type Undef or Array, got String (line: 2, column: 1) on node fv-az736-905.alpbqrzxv30uzkvtn2qktnuusd.cx.internal.cloudapp.net