vistual studio, visual studio code, llvm
visual studio: for msvc build.
visual studio code: main work in this.
llvm: for clangd language server.
install visual studio build tool, this is build-tool not include IDE front-end. (if needed you can install visual studio).
Workloads 'Desktop development with C++' should selected in the installer. -
install visual studio code(recommend install 'System Installer' version).
install llvm.
clone this repository, include submodule godot and godot-cpp.
double-click 'demo.code-workspace' in root folder to open workspace.
then install workspace recommend extensions.
Those step is base on open 'visual studio code' workspace(double-click 'demo.code-workspace').
Compile: Click vscode Menu Bar Terminal->Run Task...->editor&game [debug], this operate will compile the whole code: godot,godot-cpp,game(game was compiled together with godot-cpp)
Launch: Recommend run editor.bat to Open Editor.
Recommend Click vscode Activity Bar Run and Debug(Ctrl+Shift+D)->game [edbug] - cppvsdbg->Start Debugging(F5) to Run Game, because this operate will debug our game.
clang, lld
See Godot Docs: Compiling for Linux, *BSD
Those step is base on open 'visual studio code' workspace(double-click 'demo.code-workspace').
Compile: Click vscode Menu Bar Terminal->Run Task...->editor&game [debug], this operate will compile the whole code: godot,godot-cpp,game(game was compiled together with godot-cpp)
Launch: Recommend run to Open Editor.
Recommend Click vscode Activity Bar Run and Debug(Ctrl+Shift+D)->game [edbug] -- lldb->Start Debugging(F5) to Run Game, because this operate will debug our game.