Net::LastFM - A simple interface to the API
my $lastfm = Net::LastFM->new(
api_key => 'XXX',
api_secret => 'YYY',
my $data = $lastfm->request_signed(
method => 'user.getRecentTracks',
user => 'lglb',
The module provides a simple interface to the API. To use this module, you must first sign up at to receive an API key and secret.
You can then make requests on the API - most of the requests are signed. You pass in a hash of paramters and a data structure mirroring the response is returned.
This module confesses if there is an error.
This makes an unsigned request:
my $data = $lastfm->request( method => 'auth.gettoken' );
This makes a signed request:
my $data = $lastfm->request_signed(
method => 'user.getRecentTracks',
user => 'lglb',
If you want to integrate this module into another HTTP framework, this method will simple create an unsigned HTTP::Request object:
my $http_request = $lastfm->create_http_request(
method => 'auth.gettoken'
If you want to integrate this module into another HTTP framework, this method will simple create a signed HTTP::Request object:
my $http_request = $lastfm->create_http_request_signed(
method => 'user.getRecentTracks',
user => 'lglb',
Leon Brocard
Copyright (C) 2008-9, Leon Brocard.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.