Key Features • How To Use • Author
- Inventory Management
- Stock Management
- Image Recognition
- Authentication
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Docker, Golang, PostgreSQL, installed on your computer, From your command line:
Clone this repository and go inside the folder
$ git clone
Run the following command to migrate the database (you would need your own local/hosted database)
$ migrate -path database/migration/ -database "postgresql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:5432/sightry?sslmode=disable" up
Setup your docker compose file and replace the environment variables with your own then run the following command
$ docker-compose up -d --build
When docker is running, you can access the application on the port you set up in the docker-compose file, the default is http://localhost:8081
On the docker-compose.yaml file you would also need to add these following environment variable on the Inventory Service to be able to use the image rekognition service from AWS.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws access key ID>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws access key>
AWS_REGION=<aws region>
But, we hosted a demo api for testing purposes
- Timothy Aurelio Cannavaro - Backend
- Nanda Wijaya Putra - Backend
- Muhammad Alif Vidi - Mobile
- Nadira Belinda - Hipster