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Simple faceting library for Immutable.js collections on the server or in the browser. Intended for use in applications with small-ish datasets that do not necessarily need (or cannot run) search engines like Lucene, Solr, ElasticSearch, etc. If you need to do anything complicated, you should use one of those.

Other JavaScript faceting libraries are typically coupled with visual components and DOM event interaction. Immfacet makes no assumptions about the kind of faceted browsing system you intend to implement.


const { FacetedClassification } = require('immfacet');

const data = Immutable.fromJS([
    name: 'Diz',
    instrument: 'trumpet',
    sessions: ['a', 'b', 'c']
    name: 'Bird',
    instrument: 'saxophone',
    sessions: ['a', 'b', 'c']
    name: 'Buddy',
    instrument: 'drums',
    sessions: ['c']
    name: 'Monk',
    instrument: 'piano',
    sessions: ['c']

const fc = FacetedClassification(data);

Simple faceting based on fields

/* =>
  sessions: {
    'a': Immutable.Set([
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Diz', ... }),
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Bird', ... }),

    'b': Immutable.Set([
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Diz', ... }),
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Bird', ... }),

    'c': Immutable.Set([
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Diz', ... }),
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Bird', ... }),
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Buddy', ... }),
      Immutable.Map({ name: 'Monk', ... }),

Arbitrary faceting functions

const windInstruments = ['saxophone', 'trumpet', 'flute', 'tuba']

  .addFacet('playsWindInstrument', person =>
    windInstruments.indexOf(person.get('instrument') !== -1)
/* =>
  true: Immutable.Set([
    Immutable.Map({ name: 'Diz', ... }),
    Immutable.Map({ name: 'Bird', ... }),

  false: Immutable.Set([
    Immutable.Map({ name: 'Buddy', ... }),
    Immutable.Map({ name: 'Monk', ... }),
// => { 'true': [1, 2], 'false': [3, 4] }

Faceted Classification API

const fc = FacetedClassification(dataset);

Create a new faceted classification. Dataset must be an instance of an Immutable.Iterable, and every object must be an Immutable.Map with an idField key present.

Creating new facet collections

fc.addFacet(facetName, classifyingFn, opts={ multiValue: false })

Create a new facet collection which will have a facet field with name facetName whose values will be determined by running classifyingFn against every item in the dataset. If multiValue is set to true, results will be treated as iterables, with each value in the iterable a facet value.

fc.addFieldFacet(field, opts={})

Shortcut for adding a new facet based on a field name in the item. Takes the same opts as addFacet.


Remove facet with name facetName if it exists.

Retrieving data


Get the values of each facet field, along with the items they are present in.

Faceted Query API

const fq = FacetedQuery(fc)

Create a new faceted query based off a FacetedClassification.

Creating new facet queries{ facetName, values })

Create a new facet collection whose results must match the given values for the facet facetFieldName. Will throw an error if facetFieldName is not an initialized facet field.

fq.deselect({ facetName, values })

The inverse of If there is no applied filter that matches the parameters exactly (after values has been converted to an Immutable sequence), then an identical facet collection will be returned.


If passed a field name, clear any selections that have been set for that facet field. If not passed a field name, clear all selections for all facets.

Retrieving data


Get the values of each facet field, along with the items they are present in after all selections have been applied. Without any selections, this will return the same value as fc.facets() for the faceted collection that fq is based on.

Get the values of each facet field, along with the items they are present in,


Get the currently selected facet values for the facet collection (as set with


Get the items matched by the currently applied selections. Without any selections, this will return all items.




Simple faceting library for Immutable.js collections.







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