This project will incorporate the functionality of my spring-image-server and rebuild the client using Angular 16. I am also loading the full COVID county daily dataset onto a AWS RDS MySql instance which will be available through Spring Boot JPA services. Eventually I will be adding an interactive graphing capability.
Migrate dataset from to RDBMS. CovidDashboard Python code is modified to create a copy of the data in database table form using the Pandas DataFrame.stack() method.
AWS RDS MySql instance is created.
JPA Model is created for the data,
Implement spring-image-server funtionality in Angular 16
Build OAuth2 login window.
Implement JPA queries and services.
Implement query screen in Angular 16.
Implement interactive graph display of queried data.
- /user - returns authenticated user login name
- /maps-list - returns json list of files
- */map-image-file?fname= * - returns map image from file system
- /s3-maps-list - returns json list of files from S3 bucket
- */map-image-file?fname= * - returns map image from S3 bucket
The following are required
- jdk 17
- maven 3
- docker 23
- docker-compose 1.29
./mvnw spring-boot:run
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
docker-compose up
- LOCAL_IMAGE_DIR - local directory containing images