Docuwarp is a Python library for unwarping documents. It uses for inference the model from the paper "UVDoc: Neural Grid-based Document Unwarping." For more information about the paper behind this model, you can read the paper here. The GitHub repository maintained by the author is available here.
To install Docuwarp, follow these steps:
For cpu
pip install "docuwarp[cpu]"
For cuda 11.X
pip install "docuwarp[gpu]"
For cuda 12.X
pip install "docuwarp[gpu]" --extra-index-url
You can use Docuwarp from the command line by providing an image file:
docuwarp examples/1.jpg
You can also incorporate Docuwarp into your Python code as follows:
from PIL import Image
from docuwarp.unwarp import Unwarp
unwarp = Unwarp()
image ='examples/1.jpg')
unwarped_image = unwarp.inference(image)
If you want to use CUDA:
from PIL import Image
from docuwarp.unwarp import Unwarp
unwarp = Unwarp(providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider"])
image ='examples/1.jpg')
unwarped_image = unwarp.inference(image)
Check all execution providers here.
original | unwarp |
title={{UVDoc}: Neural Grid-based Document Unwarping},
author={Floor Verhoeven and Tanguy Magne and Olga Sorkine-Hornung},
booktitle = {SIGGRAPH ASIA, Technical Papers},
year = {2023},