Mike Slinn - Avid scala and Play Framework user & developer. According to his bio on Github he is a "Voyager of inner space". Mike is the founder of Micronautics Research Corporation. He has has sixty-two (193) repos and fifty-five (69) followers. Mike Slinn’s GitHub page url https://github.com/mslinn.
- Data for user mslinn is read from github api. This list format data is the stored in user.
- List data is extracted into a dataframe user_df
- Followers data is read from github api. This list format data is stored in user_followers.
- Map() function used to get the user details of each follower.
- Lastly a For loop is run to capture the id, name, public_repos, followers for each follower.
- For some followers name is not blank, they have been replaced by "NA"
- Repository data is read from github api. This list format data is stored in user_repos.
- For loop is run to capture the name, language, size, forks_count, stargazers_count, watchers_count and open_issues_count for each repository.
- For repositories with language as null, it is replaced with "Unknown".
- Issue data is read from user repository and stored in dataframe mslinn_repos_df
- For loop is run to capture the total no. of open and closed issues within each repository, and also to calculate the average duration for an issue to close.