This project can be used as a boiler plate for building a MongoDB-Express-React-Node stack application.
- CRUD operations for items, subject to user authorization
- User registration and verification by email
- User authentication with Facebook, Oauth
- Uploading an image of the item
- NodeJS, NPM (
- A MongoDB server, local or remote. Example: mLab (
- A cloudinary account (
- A Heroku free tier plan - optional
- Clone the repo and check out the code
- Run
$ npm install
- Set following environment variables in a .env file in the root directory
#jwt secret JWT_SECRET = <some string> ex: 'myJWTSecret' #fb app credentials, needs to be created at CLIENT_ID = <Facebook app client ID for your app> CLIENT_SECRET = <Facebook app client secret for your app> #email credentials MAIL_USER = <e-mail address, from which you will be sending the account verification emails to new users> ex:"" MAIL_PASSWORD = <e-mail password for the above account> #cloudinary credentials, needs to be created at CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = <cloudinary API secret for your app> CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = <cloudinary API key for your app> CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = " <cloudinary cloud name> #Database server connection URI. If you are using mLab, this needs to be created at, and would look like the following: MONGODB_URI = 'mongodb://<user_name>:<password><db_name>'
- Run
$ npm run dev
to start both front end and back end on ports 5000 and 3000 respectively - Run
$ npm run start
to start the back end express server on port 5000
Currently No tests are available.
To deploy on Heroku, create an account and set up environment variables. Then run $ git push heroku master
Please create an issue and start working a feature/ bug you prefer 🚀.
This project is licensed under ISC.