war-executor is a maven plugin makes deploying war and bringing up web server(Jetty for now) as simple as running a script. It helps in distributing the war with embedded server as zip format (currently supporting)
- war-executor can be added to your maven projects by adding the following lines under
<plugins> ... </plugin>
in pom.xml.
- On running Successful mvn package on your project you should see a .zip file in your target directory[this is by default unless you changed in plugin source before installing] something like this projectname.executable.zip
- Extract the .zip file to your convenient directory and in that directory you should see run.sh (for *nix based OS) and run.cmd ( for windows based OS).
- Ex: >
or >./run.cmd
You can specify port number as optional argument like >./run.sh 8045
or >./run.cmd 8045
Home page of web application will be opened in default browser.
Note : You might get permission denied for which you need to add executable permissions to run.sh/run.cmd files.
- Instead of default Jetty server, war-executor should be able to read server configuaration(ex: version, deployment method) from project's pom and deploy war application in it.