My probleme with original devise_oauth2_providable gem was :
- It was dedicated only to ActiveRecord ORM, I'm using Mongoid
- It forces to use provided models, I needed to plug behaviour in my own models
This version contains the default behaviour for ActiveRecord. If you need something else you can :
- use Mongoid Behaviour :
- create your own ... Ask help if you need ;)
gem 'devise_oauth2_providable', :git => ''
# The :branch => :mongo_mapper_orm is not necessary anymore. I did merge it into the master.
gem 'devise_oauth2_providable_mongoid', :git => ''
Feel free to use the names you want : Create a config/initializer/oauth2_providable_models.rb initializer file.
Devise::Oauth2Providable.configure_models() do |abstract|
abstract.client_sym = :my_client_app
abstract.refresh_token_sym = :refresh_token
abstract.authorization_code_sym = :tmp_authorization_code
abstract.access_token_sym = :access_token
Those gem were created in a kind of rush period ... It works (1 year in production) but could be improved. If you so desire, for the fate of code beauty, simply pull request.
If you have any problem, just contact me, issue on github, scream ... Thank you.
Here is the original README stuff.
Rails3 engine that brings OAuth2 Provider support to your application.
Current OAuth2 Specification Draft:
- integrate OAuth2 authentication with Devise authenthentication stack
- one-stop-shop includes all Models, Controllers and Views to get up and running quickly
- All server requests support authentication via bearer token included in the request.
- customizable mount point for oauth2 routes (ex: /oauth2 vs /oauth)
- Devise authentication library
- Rails 3.1 or higher
# Gemfile
gem 'devise_oauth2_providable'
$ rake devise_oauth2_providable:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# oauth routes can be mounted to any path (ex: /oauth2 or /oauth)
mount Devise::Oauth2Providable::Engine => '/oauth2'
class User
# NOTE: include :database_authenticatable configuration
# if supporting Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type
devise :oauth2_providable,
# config/application.rb
config.devise_oauth2_providable.access_token_expires_in = 1.second # 15.minute default
config.devise_oauth2_providable.refresh_token_expires_in = 1.minute # 1.month default
config.devise_oauth2_providable.authorization_token_expires_in = 5.seconds # 1.minute default
registered OAuth2 client for storing the unique client_id and client_secret.
Short lived token used by clients to perform subsequent requests (see bearer token spec)
expires after 15min by default. to customize the duration of the access token:
ABSTRACT(:access_token).default_lifetime = 1.minute
Long lived token used by clients to request new access tokens without requiring user intervention to re-authorize.
expires after 1 month by default. to customize the duration of refresh token:
ABSTRACT(:refresh_token).default_lifetime = 1.year
Very short lived token created to allow a client to request an access token after a user has gone through the authorization flow.
expires after 1min by default. to customize the duration of the authorization code:
Devise::Oauth2Providable.models.authorization_code.default_lifetime = 5.minutes
Endpoint to start client authorization flow. Models, controllers and views are included for out of the box deployment.
Supports the Authorization Code and Implicit grant types.
Endpoint to request access token. See grant type documentation for supported flows.
in order to use the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type, your Devise model must be configured with the :database_authenticatable option
- Fork the project
- Fix the issue
- Add unit tests
- Submit pull request on github
See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for list of project contributors
Copyright (c) 2011 Socialcast, Inc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.